It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I hope your pair of "pros" were not charging you. It shouldn't take a "pro", let alone two pros more than a few hours to do a complete back up and clean install of an Operating System, including the sitting around time waiting for the backup and install to complete. Once completed there should not be any folder or anything left from the old operating system as they should have formatted the hard drive.
Gosh that's good to know. Try to comprehend, Babbage, I was describing what happens to when 10 was backed out and 7 re-ignited, as per the instructions from the Great White Fathers there at Microsoft. My lack of interest in what you might think I 'should' have done approaches total. For reasons you give every appearance of being unable to comprehend, re-formatting and re-installing was not an option. Nor a desirable route even if it were an option, which it wasn't. Also try to grasp this; I've been dealing with computers, both hardware design and implementation as well as writing commercial grade software, for over half a century thus when I have to hire a pro, trust me, he's a pro.