Chicago, what do you do to vent?
What about those people screen printing shirts.. isn't that stuff just as bad or worse??
What about those people screen printing shirts.. isn't that stuff just as bad or worse??
Here is a download link to the report. I haven't had time to read it all and won't for another month.
The preliminary test was just a measurement of VOCs, without defining what kind of VOCs they were, my room initially tested as having the same VOC levels as outside of our building. The second test was more thorough, listing what was in the air and determining whether the levels of anything found were high enough to cause sickness or any health hazard.I could be reading this wrong, but the OP here was asking about eco-sol inks being entirely user friendly from the git-go. Most of us said not really while you said you were tested and passed with flying colors with the results of this test proving it.
Again, I could be wrong, but on your page #4, right off the bat, said you failed back in May already, had a system put in place and then still got complaints. Most of the numbers apparently fell into a level which your C&IH deemed safe. Evidently for their standards, but not everyone. You still had complaints.
There were some other discrepancies, but your C&IH ends with these conclusions might not be 100%, but it's as good as they can figure. All areas had levels, but not considered dangerous, in their opinion. However, you still have people complaining. Their part of the equation is finished by saying, there could still be a problem, but it would be an unknown to them. Yep, that makes me feel real warm and cozy.
Anyway, like mentioned, you have filters, exhaust and other things to lighten the load of direct air contamination, which is what the OP was referring to in the beginning.
I have a copy of the report, its 30 something pages and its not digital. I'll try to copy it tonight, block out company info, and have a PDF in the next few days. I haven't had time to read it yet.
Do you know how much this cost to have done? when I print banners, the air in here gets pretty thick. I am vented, but its still pretty strong.
I know i read somewhere where offices with desktop printers although may not be fumey, They can cause black lung from the ink's and stuff. Who know's, Can't be nearly as worse then those who put a cancer stick directly into their mouth and start huffing away.