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News WOW.....................................


Premium Subscriber
Someone just sent this picture to me, from across the street of their house.....



I'm here for Educational Purposes
This is photoshop - it's not a real wrap. I can tell from the bullet holes on the corner of the van. OR - too much money to burn and a twisted sense of humor. And, the website URL doesn't work.


Premium Subscriber
I would be more worried if you didn't know it was a badly doctored up picture, but it was just a Friday afternoon gag. :bookworm

Have a good weekend folks.......................​

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I would be more worried if you didn't know it was a badly doctored up picture, but it was just a Friday afternoon gag. :bookworm

Have a good weekend folks.......................​

:blueboy: I am worried about all those out there that don't know.


Premium Subscriber
Why ?? It's not your place anymore. Be glad you don't hafta deal with 'em anymore. :sleepin:

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Why ?? It's not your place nymore. Be glad you don't hafta deal with 'em anymore. :sleepin:

Not talking about S101 in particular. More about the non critical minds out there across the internet that will also view that picture and others like it and think it is real..


Premium Subscriber
Hahahahaaaa...... I even care less about those people. They believe in 'Fake News', too. Whoever believes things like that riddled truck or things similar deserve to have a different outlook on life. They're probably chewing on gummy bears as we speak/type.

I'm gonna soon hafta go, as my pizza will be ready to pick up soon and take home. Have a good one, Fred........ and don't take any wooded nickels.

Funny part is, I have one gun at home that would probably blow half that truck away in one to two rounds. :wavingflag:

Bobby H

Arial Sucks.
The UN won't have anything to do with confiscating guns in the United States. It will be our own government that ends up doing that dirty work. And we're heading rapidly in that direction with all the idiotic tribalism going on in American politics. It's all team mentality; "our side" can do no wrong and the other side/party is 100% evil, immoral or whatever label anyone wants to apply. The intense partisan idiocy is going to give way to authoritarianism. Our "democracy" will transform into a dictatorship. And it won't matter one iota whether the freaking dictator is "conservative" or "liberal." They'll come get your guns along with eliminating everything else in the Bill of Rights and the rest of the constitution that gives us our sense of freedom. When the zealots go far enough to the left or far enough to the right they both end up circling around, meeting each other in the same very dark place.

I think the 24 hour cable news-as-entertainment networks deserve a lot of blame for how hysterical our political system has become. They've made a fortune in ad money selling this anger pornography. Too much of the American public is addicted to this garbage, believing all the partisan garbage these opinion providers from "their team" tell them.

I don't put it past a whole bunch of people believing that van wrap thing is real. They're so dedicated to their political sides they'll bite on any hook they see on cable news, Facebook or elsewhere on the Internet. They're that gullible. When you bust out someone for believing what is clearly a hoax, like pointing out an article on Snopes, they immediately discredit it and stick to their guns, not matter how stupid it might be.


Premium Subscriber
Stick to their guns, huh ??

That sh!t'll never happen. Not in our lifetime. Too many radicals on both sides. This political crap has taken over and split families apart, just like it did in the Civil War. People are never satisfied. The news is not causing this. With the fast pace of the internet, things which used to take years or decades to surface, now are here in 12 seconds with all the twist ya want on it, right or left. Live your life the best ya can and either roll with the punches or just get outta the way of progress. No one will force anything down your throat, unless you allow it. Trying to impeach a president for what Clinton did was understandable, in my opinion, but this time around, it's like every 15 minutes, another conspiracy or reason for impeachment turns up. Well, that didn't work, let's try this, next. When does it stop ?? How much could this guy have gotten done, if most of this wasn't in his way ?? Which brings up another question. What are all these people doing in the job position, if all they do is go after someone for 3 years ?? How are they even remotely doing what they are supposed to be doing ??

Man-alive, that pizza was good last night. New day, more to do. Press onward..........

Jay Grooms

Printing, Printing, Printing......
When the time comes, not likely to be any markings on the vehicles. They will be "butt-puckering" armored flat black units with stealth markings or all white with large Light Blue "U.N." markings and peppered with traces left by those who object.

Butt-puckering....... best thing I've read all day! HAHAHAHAHA