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wrap design


New Member
I do vehicle wrap designs

who can help me design these templates anybody out there thanks

I'm a graphic designer and do vehicle wrap designs, however before I can give you a price, I need more complete information about the 5 vehicle wraps.

I sent you a email and attached samples of my work.

Please reply to my email and answer the specific questions.




New Member
what's the clients design budget?

what's the difference between the 5 jobs?
Same company, different vehicles, or all different?
Full wrap, or are partial wraps being considered to bring costs down?

I can help you with this also, but again... much more information is required before you can ask for prices...


New Member
Here you go................

Price will be ....... Loads of money!

This is more info than you have given us!!!!:U Rock: :Oops:



  • sign van.jpg
    sign van.jpg
    26.9 KB · Views: 124


New Member
you're lookin' at roughly $250 for vehicle template + design consult and another $250 to setup for production.... pending they're identical vehicles with identical wraps.

you don't do your own designwork?