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Wrapping Jeep Wrangler with fiberglass top... questions


New Member
The fiberglass top is textured, any suggestions on what type of material should be used on this area, or will IJ380c work?

Thanks in advance:signs101:


New Member
i wouldnt wrap it. we never wrap any of those textured surface tops. if you do, dont offer a warranty.


New Member
use a low-energy plastics film

that is the other option but i didnt recommend it for several reasons.

we use a TON of arlon 8000. wrapping with it, is a monster nightmare. removal is almost impossible over time on something that is facing up. also, they are going to be calendared materials and facing up, will yield a very short life span.


New Member
Tell the customer

Tell the customer to take the top to your Body shop and have them sand it down and repaint for smooth texture. Otherwise don't bother. If its a newer model JK with a painted top, then this shouldn't be an issue. Otherwise if its an older model TJ don't bother. Just do the windows. The first TJ we did, we didn't wrap the Top or fenders, but perfed the windows. Came out looking very nice. The real estate space the top is using really doesn't provide for a whole lot anyway.


New Member

Here is a pic of the Jeep


New Member
Thanks for the replies! I'm discussing this with the customer and I'm going to try to persuade him into leaving the top alone, but perhaps he is willing to have it sanded/painted. I don't want to sell him anything that won't look good after a year or two.

Sticky Signs

New Member
I would test the adhesion of the paint to the hard top. I have a feeling that removal could cause issues. Seems to me the the paint on my buddies JK is already flaking off of the top.


New Member
Here's a Jeep with a full wrap, top & all.


I appreciate the reply, but can you offer any insight as to how you did it? What material did you use? The jeep in question is a hard top, but it has a texture to it, not exactly smooth.


New Member
The fiberglass top is textured, any suggestions on what type of material should be used on this area, or will IJ380c work?

Thanks in advance:signs101:

thats a hard top and i believe is asking about a soft top

You need to read more carefully, textured fiberglass is HARD, so he was asking about a hardtop not the CANVAS soft-top!

I have a hard top on my Jeep (photo below), and the fiberglass top is textured which would be an issue.

My Jeep is the full size in the background, I custom painted and applied vinyl lettering to a red PowerWheels Jeep for my grandson to match mine, he loves it.



  • Jon's Yellow Jeep and Kameron's Yellow Jeep.jpg
    Jon's Yellow Jeep and Kameron's Yellow Jeep.jpg
    312.1 KB · Views: 159
  • Kameron riding Jeep 7-5-2008.jpg
    Kameron riding Jeep 7-5-2008.jpg
    320.2 KB · Views: 137

Sticky Signs

New Member
I'm bringing back the past...
Just curious how the Jeep wraps are holding up? Especially the hard top and the hinges.

I saw a fully wrapped wrangle the other day and it looked like hell. The vinyl was tenting and peeling all over the place. I'm pretty sure this wrap was done by one of the bigger Wrap outfits in town so I was surprised to see how crappy it looked. I don't know, maybe it was a short term campaign or they thought they could get away with calendared because the jeeps are pretty flat compared to most vehicles.