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New Member
that question almost made me sh*t my pants it was so funny and ironical. the only thing i could thing about was the old if a bear sh*ts in the woods reference.

if he isnt at least fellers certified, im going to die laughing in my own tears.

**damn they took the forum down. i was waiting to see who was gonna pop the cherry and post up.


New Member
I do know who this person is that put up this site.
I feel it is in bad taste, and I am going to ask the person to take it down.

I find this statement to be BS your friend has an office in your building. I find it hard for this to go on in your company with out you knowing about.

This person is a friend of my company and was hurt, as many were in what Sergio tried to do hereThis friend posted this site as a joke a month or more ago and it looks like he never took it down. Sergio too knows exactly who did this, as he asked this person to buy the domain name for him.

From what I have Read aren't you also Part owner in that business??

This is no big secret to Sergio if he has seen it. As a company we are trying to move past the situation, I have an amazing staff of great professionals who just want to keep putting out a top notch product. The only time we even discuss Sergio is when another customer calls and says his shop has contacted them. I just wish he would stand on his own two feet instead of using my company to springboard his.

I would love to hear about how sergio has to use your company as a springboard please explain.

I appreciate the messages you all send me it feels good to know that we are all connected with a passion for this industry. I also appreciate the fact that when you see posts like this you all inform me so that I can correct anything that I feel does not represent my company or my values. Rest assured I will ask this person to take down this site as soon as submit this post.
I wish you all the best this year.

We all know that you are the one that has a problem with sergio look at the last post you made on here!!

All I want is the truth to come out!!!!


New Member
You are an idiot. I think I made it clear that I DO have a problem with Sergio. So do the last 2 people who he was employed by along with the guy he sold his last wrap business to.

I also mentioned that I DID see the site and it was intended as a joke over a month ago. I also stated that what I did not know was that he kept it up. When numerous signs101.com members clued me into it I realized it was in bad taste and unprofessional and I made the call to have it pulled down.

As for me being a partner in this guys business, NO, I rent him office space and refer customers to him. This guy is a very good genuine person who was hurt for me, my staff and lashed out on his own.

Sergio asked this friend to build him a website which was done and not compensated for, this domain was the one Sergio asked for.

I am not here to bash Sergio I am here to take care of a post that was brought to my attention by other members of this site. This website was unprofessional and I had the ability to ask for its removal and I did. You Sergio fans should at least give me a bit of credit for that.

It is no secret I don't like the guy. I don't need to explain to you how he is using my company to springboard his. I have read your posts you have proven yourself time and time again on Sergio discussions. Why you feel the need to jump on and defend him everytime something happens is amazing. Sergio is a big boy, he knew who put this site up, he could have made a phone call to this person and asked for it to come down himself.

I could be on this site bashing him like most others, but I choose not to and the moment I fix something that I felt went over the line you attack me also.

Leave it at this, I am one in a long line that feels taken advantage of by Mr. Desoto. It does not matter what you say about that it is my feeling, and that is something that you cannot correct, dispute or argue with because it is just a feeling. I do not like him, and I am entitled to that just as you are entitled to kiss his ass on this forum.

Enjoy your evening


New Member
i did find it quite amusing in his FAQ's the heading:

"we have the best color in arizona".

i could be wrong as i usually am, but man, the sure seemed like a BIG DIG at your company. all sergio bullsh*t aside, arizona color is quite possibly the company i respect the most for creativity.

my feelings on the ethics of this are my own and i wont get into it, but i do have to give you credit for running a legit outfit that has really pushed the way i run my company and also pushed the limits of how i think about what can be done with the design of vehicle wraps.


New Member
That means a lot to my staff and myself. Thank you so much. I will be sure to share this with them on Monday.


New Member
trust me its well deserved. the scion xb you guys turned into a military vehicle is almost THE REASON, why i got into vehicle wraps.

that wrap on its own single handedly to this day is one of if not the most impressive things i have ever seen in our industry.

i dont want this to sound like a kiss ass post, but im excited to be able to tell the guy that is responsible for that wrap what it did for me and my company.

now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


New Member
Give it up to Steven at Seven Sin Design for that one. He is an amazing designer and when we decided the concept for this thing he came back with a cutting edge design. He is the only wrap designer I have ever used that did not directly work for me. He is not only one of the most talented designers out there he is one of the most down to earth and genuine human beings on this planet. He was the first one I ever saw template a vehicle with photos of the vehicles like you see in mainstream software packages now.


New Member
As for me being a partner in this guys business, NO, I rent him office space and refer customers to him. This guy is a very good genuine person who was hurt for me, my staff and lashed out on his own. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

Correct me if I am wrong but your face book Status says Quote

Hello Facebook friends, I just started another business- Please check out
i2ifilms.com and www.i2iweddings.com any referrals at the beginning of this journey would be appriciated. Hope you all have the best weekend ever!!

So is this your or your friends business??? Looks like your the owner to me!!

I am also confused at first you said Sergio screwed your friend over. But now you say in the statement above that he lashed out because you were hurt.

I can post a screen shot of your face book if i need to.

Once again if you have that big of an issue with sergio be a man and go talk to him instead of making websites..
[FONT=&quot][/FONT] [FONT=&quot][/FONT]


New Member
normally, i wouldnt get involved, but wtf.

gypsy, you have been either Sergio, or his side kick from the start. so whos intentions are real here?

yours or his? at least he has the balls to post under his real name.

and no, this isnt because of the post of mine above, its because of my question about you from the start.


New Member
that is all good in the hood. but why not come out and give full disclosure? you clearly have some connection and some vested interest.

so yeah, im calling you out. who are you? we are all ears.


New Member
Gypsy, this shows how truly ignorant you are. Glad you follow me on Facebook though. Did I mention this is a friend? Or that he rents space from me? I said that on Facebook to drum up business for the guy. Go check the corporation commission I'm not involved beyond the fact that I get a % of his invoices as RENT for space I rent him. It is in my best interest to be sure he gets as much business as possible because I profit from it per my agreement with him. Why would I not post that so each of us could make a buck?
You keep shooting darts at me and I keep answering. Where are your answers to everyone questions?

Hey Gypsy you better hope that while Sergio is walking down the street he does not turn a corner too quick, it might break your neck.


New Member
Gypsy, this shows how truly ignorant you are. Glad you follow me on Facebook though. Did I mention this is a friend? Or that he rents space from me? I said that on Facebook to drum up business for the guy. Go check the corporation commission I'm not involved beyond the fact that I get a % of his invoices as RENT for space I rent him. It is in my best interest to be sure he gets as much business as possible because I profit from it per my agreement with him. Why would I not post that so each of us could make a buck?

Ignorant I am just posting the facts. I have alot of agreements which make me money but I don't claim to have started there business. This just goes to show what kind of character you have.

You keep shooting darts at me and I keep answering. Where are your answers to everyone questions?

Once again I am not shooting darts just giving the information that you have left out!!

Hey Gypsy you better hope that while Sergio is walking down the street he does not turn a corner too quick, it might break your neck.

As for the above statement that is the first funny thing you have said!! I even got a laugh out of that one.