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XC 540 ????will print vector but will not print a photo with out a red/magenta cast


New Member
12-09-2010 01:30 AM

Hi all
new to signs 101and stumped on this one
roland reps and dealers can't giv answers for this

Having issues with roland versaworks and my xc 540 is printing vector colours just fine
but any file with a picture has a red/magenta cast .
we have reinstalled programs / rip / sent the file using differant profiles in colour toyed with the management area and still we get the same result reset the ip addresses.
( thinking )
we did have a power outage could it be the carrage board for the print head or fuze or cables to the print heads (fishing) the printer is fireing vector colour and printing eps vector files better then it ever did at this point.
we are useing xp and versaworks 4.11 firmware 3.6 & latest updated skin tones are heavy on the red/orange

and the latest print, it will print a 2" row of wellow at the start of the crop marks
then it will print the crop marks and follow by printing of the vector job
and then crop marks and a full 2" of wellow again

this has got me stumped
I have been using rolands since camm 1 water based machines , you know the old grey machines and have moved up the line to the xc 540 and never had to deal with this

can any one help shine a light on this...
has any one had this issue
tks bobby


New Member
What profile setting are you using for these prints? Have you taken any covers off to get a decent look at the cables? Do you see anything out of the oridinary? PM me if you need any assistance.


I'm assuming you are printing a 4 color image and not a b/w image.

Is the image rgb? If it is, try converting to cmyk then printing.

Have you tried a different color profile on the image?

Have you tested a raster (bitmap) color scale print? load up your photo editing software and make 2 documents, one cmyk, one rgb. Include primary colors and some secondary (red, blue, yellow, black, grey scale gradients, orange, purple, green, a scale of yellow to red to blue to yellow, and of course pure cmyk colors on the cmyk print. .... try printing those to see if the red hue forms. and compare to each other and a vector version.

Just a few of the questions I would ask myself and try working out.

mark in tx

New Member
Take the machine into maintenance mode and do a test print(The big single color strips)
If those are goofed up, then a tech should come out and test the boards.


And this is what I would print to test the colors.


  • color-test.jpg
    7.7 KB · Views: 116


New Member
what version of versaworks you running? should be 4.1.1...i would use GCVP as my profile....First would hold down the test print button and check the pattern...its not a printer issue unless you have a bad head or cable...I am a roland tech and work on the pro 3 daily there are second to non and watch them print photos all the time with no troubles...Pm me if you need more help


New Member
Don't know about the yellow band.. that's weird.

As for the magenta cast, your profiles are off. Long answer is to have profiles built or build them yourself. Short answer is to increase cyan and decrease magenta.