I started using e-bay actively about a month ago, mainly in search for a Roland PC-60/600 that I am trying to find. Couple of good deals got away within last seconds of the bidding

I was pissed…..invested couple of hours researching e-bay bidding process and came up with
Auction Sentry. A priceless little program for less than $20 that allowed me to track auctions I want, not have to sit in front of the computer to place a bid and control exactly when I want my bid to be placed. It was the best 20 bucks spent, and if anyone is planning to make even few purchases on E-bay, I highly recommend it! I am in no way shape and form associated with the maker of the program, but just can not help sharing my enthusiasm about it. Try it (30 day trial) and see for your self.
Since I started using it I finally managed to make few purchases that I consider to be great deals. If you know the value of what you want, and do not need something right away, it is a place where likely you will hunt down a good deal.
I did run in one instance of waiting too long for an item, which got resolved immediately after my inquiry with e-bay resolution center and pay pal, one instance of item not performing well that resulted with full refund including original shipping cost (apparently a honest mistake) and one instance where I backed out not realizing the huge cost of shipping where the seller was very understanding and had no problem with me retracting my (minimal) winning bid.
I have not sold anything there yet, although I am thinking about it.
Over all a positive experience although I have noticed that it is getting infiltrated with scammers! If e-bay does not address that problem, it will get a really bad rap over time.
My advise…be careful with popular large ticket items.