I've thought on this for some time and have come to the conclusion that no one is doing themselves a service by playing. For me typefaces exist on a continuum, from those to which I just naturally gravitate to those which I wouldn't use at gunpoint. And a whole hell of a lot of faces in between.
To say "Here's my top ten faces.." just naturally leads to the question "For what?" What might appear on such a list would vary wildly with just what we might be doing.
On the other hand, it is possible to list the bottom ten faces. Those that if I chose to use one you could notify the media that hell has frozen over. These are mainstream faces, some of which might have been put on top ten lists in this very thread, not obscure dreck. They come in at least a couple of flavors, from just plain butt ugly to trite.
Here's ten of my bottom of the barrel faces. Today anyway, the list is subject to change without notice. New faces get added but seldom do any get removed.