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Search results

  1. Ideas for changeable sign on a trailer

    Thanks for the suggestions gang. I also learned about the banner track which will come in handy for future reference. This place is awesome!!
  2. Ideas for changeable sign on a trailer

    Thanks for all the replies. Ironchef...Do you know what the heading would be on your posts? I looked at a list of all the posts you have started and did not see anything.
  3. Ideas for changeable sign on a trailer

    Thanks Jhill for the link. Any ideas about securing the "open" end??
  4. Ideas for changeable sign on a trailer

    I need ideas on how to fabricate a changeable sign for a box trailer. I want to be able to slide out the substrate and turn it over to be used for different events. For instance one event is a charity event and the charity logo would be used then the next week may be a paying event and the for...
  5. Design tech 60 Cutter Driver Problems

    Thanks Bobby, I will try this. I like my CiberCut Program. The new version has lots of new tools that I look forward to using....Thanks....Tim
  6. Design tech 60 Cutter Driver Problems

    Hi Todd, I am using Ciber Cut version 6. How do I select to use the CE1000-60 driver? Where can i get that driver? Thank you....
  7. Design tech 60 Cutter Driver Problems

    Thanks Art, Yes, Design Tech was made by Graphtec but I am not sure which driver to use. I may have to drag out the old computer to cut with until I can figure this out or come up with a better solution.
  8. Design tech 60 Cutter Driver Problems

    Art, What did you do? Do you know of anyplace to get tech support for the designtech? Thanks
  9. Design tech 60 Cutter Driver Problems

    Hey Folks, I have a design tech 60 cutter that I got from SSK a few years back. I am trying to load the driver on my laptop that has windows 7 on it. The driver states that it is for XP but I can't get it to work. Does anyone know of this driver will work on Windows 7 or do I need to be...
  10. 1962 studebaker golden hawk

    Thanks..I'll check into these..Tim
  11. 1962 studebaker golden hawk

    Where can I buy a line drawing of the above make and model?? If you are an artist who wants to create from scratch please sent me an email.. ..Thanks..Tim
  12. Now I'm confused?

    I've never used any other program but have used Ciber-Cut for about 3 years now.Seems to do everything I need it to do. I also have the designtech 60 and am satisfied with it. From what I am told it is the same as the Graptech (Of course, minus a few extras)
  13. Blades

    I got my Clean-Cut blades today and lowered the force on my cutter from 19 down to 13 and it cut slick as a ribbon....Tim