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Search results

  1. Font Help Please

    Thanks Doc
  2. Font Help Please

    ANyone recognize this one?
  3. got stiffed on a sign face grrrrrrr

    I go through the same thing. You think you can trust the people that you've done business with on a regular basis. I'm tempted to start charging EVERYONE (except corporate) 50% deposit. I'll just put a sign on the wall stating this policy so that there is no surprise.
  4. Screen Printing Start Up

    I just want to add. Screen printing is very messy if you are thinking about doing it at home. The learning curve is much longer than you would think. I agree with everyone else, sub it out at least until you are sure this is what you want to so. Contract printers are very cheap. If you...
  5. Anyone know this font?

    Shovel. You da man, as usual
  6. Anyone know this font?

    I can't find this one.
  7. How long have you been in the Sign Business?

    6 years and boy do I miss corporate life.
  8. Buying an engraver

    Isign the contract is for 4 years. They were looking to buy their own machine and I convinced them that this is a better option. I don't do alot of engraved signs, but I will go after more with my own machine. I'm shocked at the price difference, Roland 30a $2900, the small Vision machine...
  9. Buying an engraver

    I have been contracting my engraving work to a trophy shop, but I just got a contract to provide name tags for large company on an ongoing basis. I have decided to buy my own machine and I am surprised at how few post there are on this subject. I looking at the Roland 30A. I'd appreciate...
  10. What the font?

    Though it was antigoni, but it's not.
  11. Online Backup

    Does that mean that if your computer crashes it will take 6 days to reload it? An external hard drive is only about $70.
  12. Font help please

    You don't mess around. Thanks Shovel
  13. Font help please

    Just can't find this one.
  14. JV3 splattering ink

    I had a head strike and now my JV3 is splattering magenta on the banner. Any ideas?
  15. Font help

    Good call shovel. I just have substitute the t and put a round dot over the i. Thanks
  16. Font help

    Can't find this one.
  17. Font Help

    Thanks everybody. I thought I was the only one on here at 6 am.
  18. Font Help

    Anyone recognize this one.
  19. Font ID

    I think the BLAC is optima, but the smaller letters are something else.
  20. Font ID

    Sorry for the low res