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Search results

  1. Any body keep credit cards on file?

    I just got a letter from the sign company I use for extra large banners. They are now requiring either a credit application or a credit card on file. I was thinking about the credit card idea for my shop, but not sure if there are legal ramifications. Seems like it would help get us paid faster.
  2. Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died

    He was my business hero.
  3. buying a second hand vs new

    I started off with a used printer and it was a disaster. I probably spent about 2 grand on repairs before I finally dumped it on to someone else. I leased a new Mimaki and have not had a problem in 4 years. Lease payments are only about $450 per month. And you got your cash in the bank to...
  4. Font help

  5. Font help

    I know I have this, but I can't find it.
  6. How long for a design?

    Thanks everyone. Very good advice. I will set a time limit when I assign design work to him. I also like the idea of contracting the design work. Any recommendations of a good design resource?
  7. How long for a design?

    better pic Here's better pic
  8. How long for a design?

    He gets a salary. I'm estimating that he will spend half his time designing and the other half screen printing. I've never had a dedicated designer. Currently I do half of the designing and my sign production guy does half. I've contracted outside designers a few times. I can still make a...
  9. How long for a design?

    Just hired a guy who is a designer/screen printer. He designed his first t-shirt friday. The design was great, but it took him 5 hours. That seems like a long time to me. About how long should it take to come up with a design?
  10. Font help again

    Thanks. I've got that
  11. Font help again

    Anyone know this one
  12. font Id please

    Denmark is the one, and it's free. Who Hoo. Thanks
  13. font Id please

    Anybody know this one?
  14. Solvent printable cloth banner

    What is the application for a cloth banner? Is there an advantage over a vinyl banner?
  15. Font help needed

    Thanks Sebastien. You guys amaze me.
  16. Font help needed

    I know I've seen this before.
  17. WHat to buy?

    I have never heard anyone say that they're glad they bought a DTG printer. I also would not buy printer less than 54". You need at least 50" material to make a 4 foot banner.
  18. Your criteria for firing a customer

    I had a guy beat me down on price for 20 minutes, then when I emailed the proof he said "This looks like crap. How long have you been designing?" I told him he could get a cheap price or be an asshole, but not both. I sent him to the shop that gave him the price I had to match.
  19. Average invoice value

    I have not looked at it for 2010, but 2009 was about $300.
  20. font help

    I know I've used this before, but I can't find it.