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Search results

  1. JV3 showing full cartrige empty

    All of a sudden our JV3 started showing one black cartridge as empty. We swapped it with the other black cartridge and now they both show empty even though there is is plenty of ink in both. Anybody familar with this problem?
  2. 6'x6' MDO

    Thanks everybody. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  3. 6'x6' MDO

    LOL. You could get rich off this.
  4. 6'x6' MDO

    We are replacing a 6'x6' MDO sign. We haven't taken it down yet, but I can tell that it is a 4'x4' attached to a 4'x2'. I have called a few lumberyards, but no one has 6'x6' in one piece. Does anybody have an idea to fuse to pieces of MDO together?
  5. Ever been polled?

    I hung up after about the 40th question
  6. Font help

    Thanks J. That's was the one.
  7. Font help

    I know I have this one.
  8. Minority Business Enterprise a factor in evaluating bids for city projects?

    I find this conversation very Interesting. We have been in business for 9 years and we have never gotten a contract unless we were the lowest bidder and I don't think that we should. In fact even when local governments announce that they have a certain percentage target for minorities and...
  9. Font help

    Thank you so much
  10. Font help

    I can't find it.
  11. Are we still charging for additional colors

    I decided to drink the Signvox koolaid. It's taking frickin forever to enter all the products. Then I was trying to figure out how to charge for additional colors and I realize that about 80% of our signs are printed so is there any need to have an up charge for additional colors. Is anybody...
  12. Font help

    Thanks all
  13. Font help

    I hate when I can't find these simple ones.
  14. Here's why Apple has sold so many Ipads

    "There's an app for that"
  15. Post & Panel with 3 post

    Thanks all.
  16. Post & Panel with 3 post

    We're about to install 2 signs on 3 post to form a "V" shape. This is pretty standard to form a 2 sided sign. Is there a standard angle to use?
  17. graftec jx2100

    I bought a used one 6 years ago. Nothing but problems. I ended up selling it as a 60" cutter.
  18. Anyone know this font

    Never mind. You're right. Cooper italic. Thanks
  19. Anyone know this font

    I thought it was Cooper, but the A is different.
  20. Anyone know this font
