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Search results

  1. Lettering Pop Up tents

    I have a customer who wants the peak of his pop up canopy lettered with a 2 color logo. I don't think we can heat press the letters on, so I'm thinking of hand painting it. Anyone done this before? What kind of paint will stick to this material without cracking?
  2. Cheap channel letters?

    Anybody familar with these? I had another shop beat my channel letter quote by 50% with one of these. I think some people call them cloud signs.
  3. Ready to hire a designer

    I guess I should clarify. I don't have 8 hours a day in design work. This person will also help my sign tech and my screen printer when not designing. That's one reason I didn't want to go the sub out route.
  4. Ready to hire a designer

    I can't take it any more. Spending 3-4 hours per day designing and sending proofs. I'm ready to bite the bullet and hire someone. Put an ad on craigslist and got about 40 replies. My question is should I save money and hire a kid right out of art school for about $9 an hour or pay more money...
  5. So what do you think of this Sign A Rama attempt?

    Not only that, but you sell them the vinyl, they screw it up. Then you sell them more vinyl plus installation. I smell $$$$$
  6. Fast signs TV ad

    Found it on youtube. She looks okay. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz8v1YWNezY
  7. Tom Brady vs. Tim Tebow: Clash of biblical proportions

    My son says that God loves Tebow, but He starts Brady on His fantasy team.
  8. Tom Brady vs. Tim Tebow: Clash of biblical proportions

    I used to like Tebow before the media started covering him 24/7. Somebody even commented that in the playoff game he had 316 yards passing. Get it, 3 16 as in John 3:16. SPARE ME. I really admire the guy, but he shouldn't be getting more acclaim than Brees, Brady and Rodgers.
  9. Font Help Please

    Can't find this one any where.
  10. Great way to start your day.

    Not trying to start a debate, but I'm curious about your response to this question. Why do you think some people are born blind?
  11. Looking for software

    That like fricken magic!
  12. Posting pictures

    This is great. Saves a lot of time.
  13. couple jobs from last few days

    Looks great!
  14. Your Install Fonts - nice tool

    Love it. Thanks
  15. Font ID please

    Anyone know this one? Looks like Papyrus and Optium had a baby
  16. Source for Evacuation Plan holders

    Thanks for the input guys. We only have to provide the frames. They will print the 8.5'/11' EP and slide them in themselves.
  17. Source for Evacuation Plan holders

    Anyone have a source for evacuation plan holders for a new building. All that I have found run from $25 to $100 each. They dont have to be the elaborate.
  18. Small shop trying to get first printer.

    I found a good deal on a Mutoh Falcon Outdoor. All the money I made went to the service technician. I dumped it on ebay and leased a new Mimaki. 5 more payments and it's mine. Never had one service call in 55 months.
  19. Merging businesses?

    I got two words for you. " Lawyer" and "Contract".
  20. Which grommet setter are you using??

    Hiker works great