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Search results

  1. The Things I've done...

    The Things I've done...

  2. iSign Wraps

    Hi all, Thanks for stopping by.

    Hi all, Thanks for stopping by.
  3. Liyu Printers

    Anybody use or know anything about the Liyu UV Flatbed printer?
  4. Will X4 solve eps import problems?

    X3 and X4 help, but it is not a bad idea to have Illy to straiten out some of the messes. Flexi works quit well for impoorting eps as well. I still have issues with.ai files sometimes.
  5. Help with CorelDraw X3

    You can duplicste your image then hit the edit bitmap, mask off what part you want to outline and paint it all black and save back to Draw. Now trace and then add contour to desired width.
  6. Colors changing in Corel

    Look under the tools menu/colormanagement and make sure all setting & profiles are the same as the other computer.
  7. Photopaint vs. Painter 11??

    I agree with above completely, We use both, Mostly photopaint and use Painter for detail work. A Wacom is a must for painter and some of the effects from Painter like Liquid Metal ROCK.
  8. Cant get this file to open in Corel X3

    Did you get it open? If not send me a copy and I will give it shot. Also you might look for your autobackup file and try to open it.
  9. how do you make lettering "GLOW"

    Another method is: Duplicate your text, convert to bitmap with transparent background, edit bitmap, (photopaint) enlarge paper size to make room for the spread, gaussian blur, I start with 5 pixel blur and if I need more I mask object, repaint with brush and blur again, I also set the...