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Search results

  1. NJ AGFA Series 5 UV Ink for sale.

    Selling off all the Unopened inks we have available. $125 per Liter + shipping Dated 2025 Exp. Series 4 Cyan 1 Yellow 1 Magenta 4 Light Cyan 6 Black 7 Light Magenta 2 White 1 Liter - Series 4 Expires This month 6/24 $150 Email me directly if you have interest. wyldbill@wyldgfi.com...
  2. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Exactly. Thats why we don't coat the boards with promoter. As for other items....the ink legitimately didnt stick. Standard ACM....ink doesnt stick well at all. Pulling sheets of Plastic Faced UB....ink should stick, no question. But have had issues. Ive run it past the rep from United as...
  3. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    We're in a warehouse setting here and the concern was always dust or imperfections in the application of the adhesion promoter especially with a 2nd surface print.
  4. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Digital Max metal was decent then they had adhesion issues even with that. Gave up and started using Digital BeBond from N Glantz and that was more consistent and better adhesion overall. We do a fair amount of acrylic 2nd surface so the adhesion promoter wouldnt work. We use Arlon 3170 for...
  5. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Just one small sample on UB W/B/B....cast matte lam on top and then trimmed/routered.
  6. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    do you print on standard acrylic? We have found we have to print on Plaskolite or Similar DA substrate for acrylic....otherwise it just peels off if we router to the edge of the image or flood white for standoff prints. Dibond chips and flakes.....and had issues even with certain batches of...
  7. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Swiss Q Nyala 3. Kicks the anapurna's ass. Dual Rows of jets...80x126 inch bed with RTR, white ink...etc. Ink cost is 40% less per Liter and support is always reachable.
  8. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Cant adhere to every substrate.....only DA materials and even some PVCs have had issues with. The ink peels like a banana even with high lamps. Im personally getting away from the agfa corporate BS here and going with a newer machine. Tested the inks and can print really well with routering...
  9. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    VENTING HERE: F**KN AGFA SUCKS!!! $1300 part...+ service call for same parts in less than 12 months. No warranty no nothing......it's their MO. Im just tired of them. Ink is way overpriced and they nickel & dime you for every little thing. NEVER buy an agfa printer ever. Not worth it not...
  10. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Not really. Never had a full fix but it seems to depend more on the quality of the heads and the nozzles as well. Other issues cropped up thru the time we have owned this machine and the ink costs have ballooned enough for me to move away from AGFA fully.
  11. Any Vinyl/Sign Installers in Westchester NY?

    I have 2 freelance install companies I work with locally...they'll go to Westchester.
  12. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    The cables aren't glued....they pop in and out similar to old SCSI or MOBO ribbon cables. Can you post a photo of the prime test??
  13. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Have you had any issues printing text or images where the image looks a little off?? Try e-stopping the printer and reseat ALL the ribbon cables from the back board to the upper portion of the cartridges. Try swapping cables and see if the issue travels to a different color? Do you have a...
  14. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    We just changed our belt out....had other issues but nothing like this. Ink buildup scratched double sided prints and caused some other stuff to happen...but never a soft banding or streaking as in those photos.
  15. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    Have you tried 540x1080 or 720x720 no masking? Does it look EXACTLY the same on the left side as the right side of the printer? IE Same position or zone.... or is it completely random? Can you put a pc of vinyl banner across and see if you have any bubbles where the vacuum may not be...
  16. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    We have the smaller brother...2500i led.... Have never noticed anything like you are experiencing. What are your printer settings? CS, FS, Lamps...etc... The photo you show..it seems the streak doesnt extend the entire width either? Have you tried doing a gap set at various spots along the...
  17. Need Help Shifting cuts on stickers

    If you can do 6 reg marks...try that. On our Graphtec we do multiple marks on lengths for better alignments.
  18. Need Help Shifting cuts on stickers

    What are you using to cut the decals?
  19. AGFA Anapurna H3200i-LED streaking issue

    This was happening across ALL media? 540x1080.....cant do white ink but does this happen?
  20. Get a dashcam

    How about making a bumper hitch cover in the shape of a claymore mine....FACE TOWARDS ENEMY. Put a smiley face on it as well.