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Search results

  1. High Tac Material Recommendations

    8200X from Arlon is awesome as well as the GF HTPAE.....both handle well and are regarded highly by installers and outfits I have printed for.
  2. WYLD GFI Back in FULL operation.

    We've been back up for a couple weeks...but first time Im getting to post again here it seems. Still a ghost in one machine...but have it figured out for now and running everything we get in. It was tough there for a while and just had to keep plugging away to get the printers fixed. My...
  3. Flatbed cutting latex ink and PVC, weird edges?

    We use a 500 bit on our gator foam I believe. Just looked in our kit....502 isn't in there for us.
  4. I decorated our flat bed printer.

    LMAO.....Thats awesome.
  5. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    ONE 1500 is back up and running baby!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE! Still waiting on parts for the 2nd one....so I'll take this as a win. :bushmill:
  6. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    Those are the 7 damn things keeping me from being up and running...and Fedex cant seem to get them delivered to the correct address.
  7. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    Potentially good update here: Did some checking into the power supplies and got more life into one unit. Got the carriage to move correctly! lol...its the little things at this point I guess. Still waiting on the dang parts...Fedex lost one shipment, the other set hasn't shipped yet from...
  8. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    For lack of a better analogy, if you don't have the proper insurance.... HP ABANDONS THEIR CLIENTS. They suck. I have my shopping list...I just need to do the work on my own once the parts arrive.
  9. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    I appreciate the offer SB.....its our lack of 10ft and volume capabilities that are wearing on myself and clients. Trying to look at today with an optimistic view...but feeling Im going to be deeply aggravated by HP once again.
  10. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    No flood insurance...not in a flood zone so not required. HP doesn't WANT to fix them. HP hasn't given me any new information as to why they are making this decision. MY printers only had 6 inches of water or so on them....enough to take out the PSUs in the E Cabinet, 3 pips on one side and...
  11. Anyone have a roll of Grimcos Briteline Cast Matte Lam - OLWC-MAT54? I cleared out N/A

    I won't know until Monday morning. I dont live all that close to my shop.
  12. Which printer would you buy?

    +1 on the SwissQ.
  13. Anyone have a roll of Grimcos Briteline Cast Matte Lam - OLWC-MAT54? I cleared out N/A

    I might actually have one roll in my shop.
  14. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    Recovery has been ongoing. I appreciate all the wishes, but...HP Is now becoming my nemesis in this. I was told in no uncertain terms today by the HP lease salesperson that HP support no longer feels they can assist me in recovering or facilitating repairs on my 2 1500 printers. I called in...
  15. Matte or Gloss overlaminate for longevity

    Our standard is glossy....we use it for a majority of our work. Luster is a nice option and matte for when a client requests it. It really doesn't matter for longevity except for the overall quality of the lam used.
  16. Laminates

    Yes....anything with a yellow tint (IE Anti UV) will change your color slightly.
  17. HP Latex 1500 parts submerged.

    You are the man! In the photo...#s 5,6 & 7 were wet. Computer box on the backside powers up...but get the "e box connection error" due to the PSUs being shot. Not sure what you mean by I don't need the solenoids....arent they regulated by the computer to allow ink to flow, etc? PM me...
  18. HP Latex 1500 parts submerged.

    For those out there....PSU's in the E Cabinet and ALL of the solenoids/ink lines connected to the ink boxes (opposite side) were submerged. Anyone have a line on those part #s and how to acquire them? I know there are a couple HP people here whom are very knowledgeable. Thinking the printers...
  19. WYLD GFI...minor flooding but back up and running.

    Thanks everyone....we have partial capacity right now and the router table coming back online tomorrow or Friday latest. The water came from the rain and street...ran down off of a train trestle in our area and from the sewers. Creek behind the shop never crested.
  20. HELP! Window Perf hates HP LATEX

    Contravision, Ultraflexx and Briteline all work well at low heat on the small latex format.