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Search results

  1. Buying a new printer looking for input.

    A Hybrid allows you to do more of both worlds...both rigid and roll stocks. But you need to worry about the footprint for such a machine and the additional cost of the option most times. In addition to the cost of inks, the bulbs can be costly depending on the unit you ultimately purchase...
  2. Oracal Price Increase

    There ya go.....Tubelite has a horrible reputation here in NJ. Their reps stopped in yesterday and asked about doing biz with them again. I said very politely "I am quite happy with the pricing and Quality of Service I receive from my other various vendors!!! Thank you for stopping in but I...
  3. Tired of Being told how much $$ you should make?

    I get the same exact thing all the time...sometimes in roundabout ways and in direct ways from people I call my friends. Like they say, stick to your guns.....its all Ive done. We put out a good product at a fair price so we can all make a living.
  4. buying a new flatbed

    Take a look at FujiSericol as well. They have some nice machines and are a pleasure to deal with.
  5. Working procedure requirements

    As an employer, and the fact that my guys are always on their feet...no ability to sit out back with what we do anyway....I offered to them to pay for High quality shoe insoles....2x per year.
  6. Gandi 3150 Resolution

    Also if its a RICH color you are running, you have a better chance of misalignment between the different head colors....single color black Much easier to align in that case.
  7. mutoh falcon - what is a good alternative ink

    Give Fuji Sericol in Kansas City a shout. I have in my 2 3360s and my roland with very good results in all. I had an issue with one printhead...my Light Magenta. They are replacing for me. Very good support in my opinion and competitively priced.
  8. Problems importing an InDesign created PDF

    Not only is it corel....but Adobe continues to add things in InDesign and Illustrator that Rip software in general has a difficult time handling as well.
  9. Problems importing an InDesign created PDF

    Tell the designer to send you an EPS will all fonts to Curves or Outlines. PDFs from InDesign are glitchy if there is Transparency...etc. May need to rasterize everything as well. Lots of other issues to consider if its a complex file.
  10. Digital WHITE INK Capabilities!

    Dont forget...not only do we do solvent and the normal UV wholesale, we also have WHITE DIGITAL INK capabilities!!! Low tac vinyl for 2nd surface application....Day-Night Backlits for Storefront signs....printing on Black PVC or Mill-finish Aluminum! Contact us for quotes on Specialty jobs via...
  11. small jobs

    We have a $50 minimum we are now beginning to enforce more regularly. For my girl to write up the job and us to produce, we really have to go with the minimums now.
  12. @colorado

    go giants~!!!!!
  13. What to do when a long time customer uses a competitor

    Hey John...I run into stuff like that more than you can ever imagine. 99% of the time...its over PRICE. Yes, you want to continue doing work for them. Dont turn the work away, just give them the best reason to come back to you that next time. If you want to raise the price, go for...
  14. Glass Interior Sign Mounting

    Glass or polycarb/acrylic?
  15. Head pausing

    Are you ripping/printing at same time? or is the file pre ripped to print?
  16. Head pausing

    almost looks like theres a pause in the data flow from the computer?
  17. Printing for personal use

    When we get a pc of artwork in from a client we really like sometimes we'll print a half-size pc to put up in the sample room. I guess as long as youre not selling and just personally showing it off, there's no issue. It was a pre-production test print if you need to explain it away even.
  18. Writing off vehicle mileage when you have vehicle advertising

    I write off part of my boat along with the truck that belongs to my biz. I entertain clients on the weekends, taking them out fishing. Couple of my vendors have had a blast out there as well. Along with that, its now wrapped for WYLDGFI "Fishing Team". Im able to write off a portion of all...
  19. QS 2000 Belt

    Just a quick FYI...I have a spare brand new QS 2000 belt, in the tube with a pintle. Going to advertise it here for sale as well. Appraently EFI decided to send 2.....oops! :thankyou: EFI
  20. Print Head Doctor

    We have Vuteks here that use the SPECTRA 256 heads and the Seiko Heads and each came with its own wash station.. I would love to be able to port over my oldest wash station to see if I can use it as a recovery for my DX 4 heads.....