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Search results

  1. Pricing Question

    I really should just make a reply and just paste it into these million of "how do I price out for a job without giving any details about the job" posts ... Alright business 101. Take your materials (m) and overhead (o) and apply a margin (preset %) and that will be your supply cost (s)...
  2. rapid remover!

    Yes it does. Yes. It. Does.
  3. Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator?

    EPS files still get screwy but AI files saved in native format can easily be imported into DRAW. Also since you're not having to save down to illustrator 8 ... you can leave strokes and gradients the same ... open paths still appear as blank circles though ... so you still have to worry about...
  4. Skyrim...I am dragonborn...

    I used to get out more, then I took an arrow to the knee.
  5. Craiglist, how I hate thee

    I love craigslist ... small 'sign shops' that fold sell their crap on there ... i picked up almost $5k worth of vehicle outlines, stock art disks and the such for $20 few years back ... almost bought another roland camm-1, 20 rolls of vinyl, a 4'x8' cutting matt, bunch of blank banners and a...
  6. How's business?

    January is our slow month, we mainly do rig work too ... our customers freak about taxes ... we have been slammed for 2 weeks now ... not a bad thing either ... definantly hit 3 weeks early though ... i thought mid feb. would cause us to be slammed ... i planned on giving the new guy a month or...
  7. How do we compete with this?

    Well, their food still sucks ... but that is different ... no one knows they exist though. After all, you can be in the sea of people, have the best spot ... but unless you make some noise ... are people going to go as far as a where's waldo game to find you? http://www.findwaldo.com/widget.html
  8. Graphics on the windshield?

    He's in alaska ... they hunt from helicopters there with high caliber rifles ... i'm pretty sure the same rules from california don't apply there.
  9. How do we compete with this?

    Same way every new company starts up, lots of grunt work and sweat equity with feet on the ground not sitting there like a lump. Saw 2 new stores open up, didn't do crap to help promote and sell themselves and were gone 3 months later ... can't rely on people to not be lazy ... have to force...
  10. How do we compete with this?

    The shop I started at in Orlando did a lot of banner stands and prints (on opal jet mmm) ... people would come in asking for that sort of special ... we would pretty much laugh them out the door ... we charged more to fix and clean a good high quality banner stand (people do horrible things to...
  11. Graphics on the windshield?

    1. he won't see them under the tint. 2. over is fine, just as long as it complies with local dot specs on obstruction of view (normally it's the top 4" can only be partially obstructed) 3. always install on the outside if there is tint. ... tint is on the inside of the vehicle ... and removal of...
  12. What would it take?

    Or you could fly someone in to teach you how to do it hands on ... would be a great way to wrap your company vehicle too.
  13. What would it take?

    God, I had to learn by wrapping a gatorade bottle without wrinkles and just one piece of vinyl ... boss at the time thought I was a crack head prepping for my first wrap ... After that I kept that bottle that said "Who's awesome? This guy" with my photo doing the two thumbs up at myself ... god...
  14. New Logo For Customer

    on all of these, why are you doing a triple outline with such dark colors? if you're doing that much outline work, adding a dark gradient to the text ... bad looking. remember what I said about light sources? your hammer has 2 light sources, your wrench has no light source, and the saw blade in...
  15. Font Management Software

    Pretty much at 1400 fonts you're just about getting to 100 usable typefaces ... you have to take into account bold, and italic versions and cousins in the same font family. (plus there are system fonts you can't seem to get rid of. ... stupid windows. I use the corel draw x5 font explorer now...
  16. Mobile Sign Company Anyone?

    I thought about it yesterday. If I was able to pick up something like an old postal truck or something about that size ... I think max ... a gutted panel van... I would probably have a small mobile shop. nothing fancy, 24" plotter, basic colors (red, white, black, blue, yellow, silver, gold...
  17. Help needed again

    Yeah, you've damaged the paint. That is the sign of cheap paint, you're lucky you haven't caused the paint to bubble and melt. Metal substrates with a white enamel paintjob really aren't made for removing and replacing graphics ... You'll probably need to repaint the blank or get a new one if...
  18. New!

    I only hear the term decal when a ricer wants a "sick" graphic on their car or a logo ... and they want it for next to nothing.
  19. Graphic design V sign design???

    Definantly not the worst I've ever seen ... not the best by far. Diamond plate would have worked had it have been made to look like an actual plate on the print ... some false screw heads, maybe a "metal" frame ... or a printed element to look like one ... and probably having some sort of...
  20. Not a sign sign, but a sign of the future!

    For the love of all that is unholy ... can you imagine the implication of formation flight if you are able to flood an area with hundreds that can chain detonate a phospherous explosive in each one ... good lord ... scary stuff.