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Search results

  1. Cutting Master 5 extending cut lines and splitting artwork

    Cannot just say CuttingMaster. CM4 is the Best Plugin for Corel and Illustrator, made by SAi. CM5 is a "I have a guy who make it Cheaper" thing. Made by an other cheap guy. Graphtec Should not be allowed to confuse users with naming softwares. Same thing with Graphtec Pro Studio and Graphtec...
  2. PA Omega software

    Just uploaded to my cloud drive. Link is in your inbox.
  3. Need Help Install CD for VE LXi Master plus 7.5v5

    Windows 7 should be fine. copying files over is not the way to install the software. I am int the UK.
  4. Roland VP 540 AND VERSAWORKS loosing IP connection and stop printing not connected

    It is common in Roland printers the faulty network port on mainboard, But still would not mention motherboard change until making sure, network configured properly.
  5. Need Help Install CD for VE LXi Master plus 7.5v5

    If the LXI versions are same as FlexiSign, 7.5 only works on Windows7 without issues in 32bit. On Windows7 64bit computer Still can cut, but Rip/Print could fail. I might have Updated dongle Driver on My Flexi10.5 CD
  6. help identifying font

    Fineday Style One
  7. Cut Contour issue with PDF.

    You just need to Flatten Transparency before adding CutContour. Deselect CutContour and do not convert Stroke to outline if you do it after.
  8. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    Do you mean all work now?
  9. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    I gave you my contact details, long ago. we could already fix it in a few minutes.
  10. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    Now type as IP address on each FineCut
  11. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    The most logical guess is PC3 connected Directly to the cutter makes PC1 and PC2 not connected at all. -Connect the Plotter and each computer to the same network Switch.
  12. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    You might have network address set to one of your ethernet adapter. it only works with Self assigned addresses. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GO. PC3 set to DHCP and the cutter as well, but there is no DHCP server on that network. thy both receiving SELF ASSIGNED IP addresses.169.254.x.x and...
  13. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    You can copy the Hostname or the IP address from PC3, and it would probably work, but that is mot the way to setup a Network.
  14. Connection issue Illustrator Finecut

    Why different IP addresses? It is not the same printer? The last one uses Hostname and IP not Configured. Uses Self assigned IP address.
  15. I need drivers and program for Graphtec 5000-60

    Graphtec Studio1 is the stand alone Free software from Graphtec. With Illustrator or CorelDraw, You can use CuttingMaster4. these Work only if Firmware version 3.90 or higher.
  16. summa part

    Did you lease them? normally just need some o-rings to fix.
  17. Compatibility of Windows 10 with Gerber USB to Serial/Parallel

    that totally not necessary all drivers here signed and work.
  18. Compatibility of Windows 10 with Gerber USB to Serial/Parallel

    Have you selected the right USD device? Summa VendorID: 099f, and ProductID: 0100. GerberQM should find it automatically. Can choose manually from the list of Connected Devices as well.
  19. AnaGraph AE 101-E Driver needed

    EasyCut and VinylMaster packed with \Drivers in Programs folder. Can assist how to choose the right one. Does it even have USB port? No driver need for serial connected cutters. only cutting Software.
  20. Onyx Production House 19

    Not sure it helps, You might want to run the install as Administrator, and Start the program at first as admin as well. Communication error is an other thing. Have you Installed the printer driver or set the network correctly? have you managed to get the Profiles?