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Search results

  1. ONYX 10 driver for sp300

    use onyx mediadownloader
  2. [PNC-950]Help bringing this old beast back from the dead?

    Are you using original Roland cable attached to your CH340 or DB9-25 adapter? When all DIP are OFF, the handshake is hardwire, but only DTR connected. Roland cable resolves that. If you use DB9-25 dongle, need to add a M-F null modem adapter in between. and only select DTR in Hardwire handshake...
  3. whats this font please?

    It is not nice to rate down my comment and tell the same thing. At least my option was free. DOWNLOAD
  4. whats this font please?

    That resolution could be anything. HarryPotter7 for example

    Not Even close
  6. Question Flexi repeat jobs

    What Version of Flexi? Summa cutter control can be your Barcode server. Normally you send the cut as file to your Barcode server's folder.
  7. Font id?

    Sure you can it is called Contour there.
  8. Font id?

    No, There is no font like that. and if it was you would need to weld them. Adding outline is Easy.
  9. Font id?

    You need to add outline to it.
  10. Font id?

    Script Bold
  11. Any idea on this font style?

    It is a single line engraving font. You can find it in Aspire: Roman 3L. Ok. 3 line.
  12. Going way back...Looking for PNC-1000 manual!

    You need to add a null modem dongle to this cable
  13. Going way back...Looking for PNC-1000 manual!

    PNC1000 all hardwires are connected not like PNC960 RTS-CTS should be fine.
  14. Question FONT ID PLEASE

    Boxer Script
  15. Roland camm1 pnc1100a

    For SignCut Do not select the Device Driver. Select the USB00x port. You have the command not recognised message it is a good Sign. It means you have communication.
  16. Roland camm1 pnc1100a

    You gave up already with your parallel cable? Can you tell a VID.and PID of your usb parallel adapter. If I had one I can confirm it works or not. On SignCut Select RolandUSB as port or USB001, ... 03 depends what port are you using . On the Cutter select I/O to Auto. And select COMMAND to...
  17. Roland camm1 pnc1100a

    Can use GX-24 driver. if you do not mind receiving an error message after every job. or ignore Roland drivers and get a 3rd party cutting software. Signcut, EasyCut, Signlab, FlexiSign etc... all can run Roland PNC directly without driver. Not all USB-Parallel cable worked for me. Parallel...
  18. Going way back...Looking for PNC-1000 manual!

    It is correct. You need to have a null modem cable. You can attach null modem after 2303 adapter, but cannot be too long. What software are you using. The Communication settings needs to be the same as on the cutter.
  19. Similar to Bodoni Black

    Wichita Bold.
  20. Looking for Roland Color Rip

    It came with ColorChoice 4.5 which is basically FlexiSign 7.6 or Photoprint.