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Search results

  1. Mutoh Valuejet help

    If you have air in your line you may have to draw it out with a syringe.
  2. font help needed

    I can not find this Gothic font it has rounded ends
  3. font help needed

    Font help needed.
  4. Mutoh Valuejet help

    It sounds like you have air in your lines. Try a nozzle check or two first. If nothing shows do an wash.
  5. Compatible inks

    STS are good also.
  6. "Real Gold" Printing and Cutting Issue

    With my Graphtec I trim mask into strips and put them on the outside of the marks. Square off the ends and use that for the inside of the marks. Low lighting is a help too reduces reflection.
  7. Corel or Adobe?

    Corel is my choice. I have been using it since version 3.
  8. Stencil font help ID

    This is a distressed stencil font. Thanks in advanced for the help.
  9. Graphtec CE5000-60 thick laminate cutting woes

    Slow the cutter speed and cut two times or as needed adjusting the down force each time.
  10. Need Help CAMM-1 PNC 1000 cutting random characters

    I had a PNC-1000 years ago. I connected it to a serial port. It cut smoother than parallel port. I would get a Graphtec CE series. I just picked up a Graphtec 5000 15" for $350.00. I use a CE-3000Mk2 24" for a long time.
  11. commander's voice

    I used Gothic821 Cn BT.
  12. commander's voice

  13. commander's voice

    Thanks. I think I have that one. Thanks Fred.
  14. Question Contour Cutting

    My marks look like this. Graphec CE 3000-60 MK2 Set the marks in your RIP.
  15. commander's voice

    Font help please. Thank you.
  16. What the font not even close anyone?

    sydney serial bold free Google
  17. Little League font help

    Thanks for the help.
  18. Little League font help

    Help with this font ID please. Thank you.
  19. Must Have Accessories?

    the big squeegee
  20. Jackpine

    Call me 920 323-3975 for price.

    Call me 920 323-3975 for price.