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Search results

  1. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    agreed...still no response from our SAi friends Maybe time to look at something else. Sooner or later you have to get off the merry go round, It only goes in circles
  2. Flexi problems

    I have a few of the issues descibed below I'm running 7.6 V2 pro, & expert...I was thinking about buying designer for a new staition, but not until I hear from other long time users . I want to know if others have seen this stuff in 7.6v2 & if the same problems or new problems exist in V8 I...
  3. Question of the day- losing swatch tables

    Aha... someone else & to think I thought I was losing it.... thank you for letting me know, I'm not crazy... And several people think I complain to much about this software, after spending thousands since V 5.8 just read my other posts... If you call flexi they'lle likely just tell...
  4. beginning to hate flexi

    I agree... I've been using Flexi since 6.5.... I like the program, I just feel they sell upgrades without really addressing some issues. One thing for sure... why o why can't we add fonts on the fly? (without restarting the application) even Corel does that since version 7 from what I remember.
  5. Display errors in Flexi 8.1

    Sorry to thread crash.... I have the same sort of issues running 7.6 v2 (both pro & expert) I have 8 but haven't installed it do to fear it wont be any better as past experiences have shown. And now this seems to be well founded as users of 8 are having problems. Search this forum...
  6. beginning to hate flexi

    Sorry to jump on this one ...but here we go again. Flexi is a good program but whoa...it is full of problems & bugs. for all its hype it should be miles ahead of corel but in truth its not. Its a mediocre sign program in my experience & I have the experience! Its full of good & bad, I can't...
  7. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    So does this mean with the internet validation we can use it on more than one station, or on a laptop at home or in the field, ect...???
  8. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    Sorry Mark maybe I deserve that. I appreciate your input but, tech support has said nearly the same thing to me before Oh, & I am one of those using Flexi since its creation, I f I remember ...like 5.8 or something & also had Inspire if that tells you anything. They quit supporting that &...
  9. Flexi investment...

    Sorry, Flexi is irritating me about now! http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25717
  10. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    Sorry, but that statement sounds just like tech support. I've never felt any of the upgrades had but minimal improvements, if any & they surely weren't worth the $$$ invested. The only reason I really purchased 8.1 was to get the proper product mgr, format for my Summa DC4 sx. They said I would...
  11. Printer questions...

    I think what these guys are doing is forwarning you, if not I am. This biz is very demanding & will force you to gain skills you may not be prepared for, or even consider. You may start planning to go in one direction & find to be sucessfull it will point you elsewhere, causing you lots of...
  12. Myths, Magic Bullets and Easy Buttons

    Fred for a minute thier I thought you were going to let my customers know they were right about my easy button, on my wonderfull computer that does all the work. I push the easy button & out comes fancy decorative signs, in minutes. Then I fly around the world & relax in resorts & enjoy all my...
  13. Flexi investment...

    Maybe I should revoke my support for FLEXI until further notice. read here......... http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?p=263145#post263145
  14. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    Again So are you guys saying doing the upgrade from 7.6 to 8.1 will cause me problems or its just a waste of time & money? Its sitting on the shelve & not getting installed until I hear from users, after all this I hear the upgrade will kill my 7.6 v key! I want input from users, not...
  15. New Flexi Update (Service Pack) for 8.1v1!!!!!

    This really chaps my ass. I didn't realize all this was going on. I'm currently running 7.6 pro on one station & expert on another. I purchased an upgrade to 8.1 about 6 mo ago & have never installed do to fear. the reason is I started with Inspire, since then I have paid out the arse to...
  16. Flexi investment...

    Another flexi user here... I used corel since V3 and its a great program, now using X3, great stuff but.... it has no where near the tools or ability of FLEXI to simplify your work if you are node editing/ cleaning up or vectorizing art. Dont knock it until you see it in use! Thoose abilities...
  17. Does anyone own the new Summa 30" Thermal Printer yet?

    Ive got the DC4SX just wondered who else here has one & how you like it? We like ours, a few issues. running out of cyan ...opis color marks backlit signs, stilll trying to figure out the best line screen, etc... We frequently print from Flexi, using KF diffussion instead of angled screen...
  18. roland pc600 pro/con

    Ditto, on everything stated, We still have ours & use it occasionally. We have a new Summa DC4. Zero nine still makes ribbons, & gives 50 cents for each returned cartridge. Buy the ribbons without the cassete( holder & reload your cartridges & save a few $$. It Works nice for Truck...
  19. I Need an Eagle

    I need a nice eagle either in a nest or landing.. any help?
  20. Vector Art Mega Collection #1 - Am I doing something wrong?

    You can make the images on Megs collection work, I do it all the time. Heck what I like best is to take different images & weld/cut compound & edit etc until I have a unique one off piece. If you don't like that get out the sharpies & draw. If you can, then scan & vectorize. Don't become...