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Search results

  1. Graphtec CE5000-60 from SignWarehouse, should I be scared?

    I only picken Lori. Besides if I want to harass you I have your number and ext. Hmmmm......This could be fun.
  2. Graphtec CE5000-60 from SignWarehouse, should I be scared?

    This is funny. We got our own little SW rep. Now if we can get her to give us 20% off all our orders, lol! Sorry Lori, I just had too!!!!!
  3. Graphtec CE5000-60 from SignWarehouse, should I be scared?

    Yes she is, Just spoke with her today infact.
  4. Aligning material on Graphtec 7000-130

    I would almost think with it tracking off 1/2" either you are loading it really crooked or the pinch rollers may need to be replaced.
  5. old equipment

    Just send be the equipment and buy yourself new!:)
  6. Hi All From Chicagoland!

    Welcome from PA
  7. Graphtec CE5000-60 from SignWarehouse, should I be scared?

    I will say this about SW. I started using them about 3-4 years ago. My rep was Dacia Hatch(sp?). Very nice to deal with and honest when asked a question. I do not know if she is there anymore or not (was pregnant) but she took care of us. I can't remember my last reps name but he was helpful as...
  8. Hard drive ghosting?

    Isn't there a way to back up all your profiles? What programs are you missing? Or is that a trade secret? :)
  9. Old Newby

    Welcome from PA
  10. Hard drive ghosting?

    With XP it is best to backup all files and reload to the new PC. It is also best to reinstall all programs. You can thank Mr. Bill Gates for this.
  11. Greenhorn Here

    Welcome from PA
  12. my turn again... font ID ?

    A little small to be sure but it might be Baskerville Old Face or Bodoni MT
  13. looking for font

    LOL, I usually just log in to late. The story of my life.
  14. Hello

    Welcome from PA.
  15. Just a Shout

    Welcome from PA.
  16. looking for font

    Hey I'm on the "ball" once and a while. Not to often I get a chance to help with fonts. Fred and Replicator usually beat me to it.
  17. looking for font

    Try this: http://www.dafont.com/search.php?nq=1&q=bosox
  18. Hi from Shreveport, LA

  19. Hei you all here in Signs 101!

    Welcome from PA
  20. Hi from sunny Belize :-)

    Welcome from PA