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Search results

  1. Need some help in FlexiSign (scale)

    you are correct go to resize and make it 2000% and it will be to scale.
  2. cutter drivers

    use a usb-parrarell cable i use a cable called a ni hawk usb to parrarel and it works great.
  3. Flexi 7.0 and Vista

    check the forum there was a post yesterday and i believe fred said you need flexi 8.
  4. Flexi 7.5 setup problem

    I agree reformat and load xp pro vista is a piece. they spent how many millions to make sure it could no be hacked and it was already hacked before it hit shelves. they should have spent that money on more research. I only know of 30 programs that are vista compatable so far and they are norton...
  5. My First Plotter Arrives

    Welcome To the world of vinyl.:beer
  6. Car'n Truck Vehicle Outlines????

    That is correct In flexi you go to resice and change it from 100% to 2000% and click the check mark.
  7. What mac to buy??

    Thanks Derf Hey Derf thats what i am leaning towards right now. the pro is sweet and with the $1000 hd cinema monitor it is awsome. as far as mobility we have to pc laptops so they can suffer with that. thanks for all your thoughts and i will let you know when we make out purchase.
  8. What AntiVirus Software Do You Use ? ? ?

    I use norton but have used avg for years got norton as a gift so i used it. No problems with either one.
  9. What mac to buy??

    hey Rick We will both be using osx the win xp is just an added bonus for us. the only reason i am thinking about the mac pro is it will hold 5 hard drives 8 slots of memory otherwise i would just go with the mac book pro.
  10. What mac to buy??

    thanks derf I never considered refurbished i will check that out thanks. Dan
  11. What mac to buy??

    We are looking at a new mac for the home/business. Our teen daughters want a mac and we have thought about getting on for the business after some shopping i still dont know what to buy. I am just looking for any of you who can point me in the right direction. here is what we are looking for. we...
  12. Hi All am New here

    Welcome From Illinois
  13. New finishing guy

    Welcome from the windy city The packers gonna try there hand at football again this year? lol GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:beer
  14. Do You Accept Credit Cards?

    same here Just through paypal.
  15. Cuts light on ends and normal in the middle! help!

    if you just changed if you just changed the blade when this all started i dont believe its your wear strip or your vinyl. I would put the old blade back in and see if you have the same problem. If the problem is gone i would check the new blade to make sure it is the correct blade. If your...
  16. How much can I trust a external hard drive?

    No problem Hey flame i use mine the same way but always always backup to dvd. Really always save a copy somewhere. But yes you can use your portable but just remember everything has a fail rate and it does not matter if it is internal or external they all can crash. i have toshiba 20 gig drives...
  17. Plotter Question

    Your welcome :beer
  18. Plotter Question

    You can use You can use a cable from a computer or monitor and its the same cord.
  19. Newbie

    Welcome from Illinois :beer
  20. Hello Signs101 from Bonney Lake, Wa

    Welcome to signs101 Welcome from Illinois