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Search results

  1. how to

    how do i chisel the lettering like the 37 on this ive tried but it keeps doing bevel thanx shane http://davidelliottracing.com/David%20Elliott%20Racing%20Photo's.html
  2. need help

    awsome thanx
  3. need help

    looking for the #37 font on the yellow racecar thanx shane http://davidelliottracing.com/David%20Elliott%20Racing%20Photo's.html u can see it here
  4. Helmet wraps

    would you laminate or would that make it to rigid
  5. need your input

    thats great thanx for the tutitorial shane
  6. need your input

    could you show me roughly how u would install the posts still pretty cold here would u drill or spike them and how would u brace them thanx shane
  7. need your input

    i have a customer that wants two lease signs 4x8 mounted on 6x6 in the ground to but together on a corner so both streets can see it kinda l shaped how would u go about installing this ,in the ground or post stakes in the ground your help would be appreciated only temporary thanx shane
  8. cutter still not closing cuts 100%

    i have a graphtec and also had the same prob i changed the strip and got new b45 degree blaades from clean cut and it runs great and depending on what program u use u can change the offset there also check to make sure there is no play with the holder(that the screw is tight that holds it)...
  9. what would u charge

    thanx forthe quick replies i was starting to doubt my pricing thanx shane
  10. what would u charge

    my printer is only 30"
  11. what would u charge

    this is 4x4 on 4mm coro single sided all vinyl except the two similar logos they will be printed and there is 10 pcs i said $90 ea customer thinks its too high ,when dont they ,am i too high?
  12. Looking for Canadian Supplier of Carbon Fiber Vinyl

    i have both charts and dont think they offer carbon fibre only avery the only other might be coburn special effects vinyl but wont be good to wrap its a mylar film not vinyl shane
  13. Thank you Canada.

    Awsome game ,gold again and to top it off crosby gets the winner dosen't get any better the best game by far in a long time shane proud to be CANADIAN EH!!!:rock-n-roll:
  14. illustrator help!

    so you cannot use the filters in illy only photoshop i also have xenofex i thought they would
  15. illustrator help!

    i bring some vector lettering and when i go to apply some effects the coloursare horrible and not what the effect is saying.I add brown bricks and it comes in blue is there a setting off or am i doing something wrong.im using eye candy 4000 lmk thanx shane
  16. Big Squeegee

    in the words of Tiger Woods "JUST DO IT" :rock-n-roll: best money i spent shane
  17. need help to convert

    can someone convert these adobe patterns to ai or eps so i can use them in flexi thanx shane i cant upload them they are ai any help would be appreciated signwizz@hotmail.com
  18. corel convert to flexi

    sorry for the confusion i tried copy paste and it works but cant seperate but i found a different file and it works fine thanx for the fast and educational replys thanx shane
  19. corel convert to flexi

    i tried that it works but comes in as one objest and in design manager it says its an ole and cant seperate it to cut tried converting to curves in corel and still wont seperate thanx shane
  20. corel convert to flexi

    i downloaded a logo at brands of the world it is cdr then i exported as an ai and an eps also and flexi keeps saying that its not an adobe file any ideas thanx shane