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Search results

  1. Anyone recognize this graphic?

  2. What are your pet peeves

    Can i see the design first? What design? what are you talking about.... there is no design. ....it doesn't exist. They think their in 7eleven and i have the design packaged up sitting on the top shelf. tape measure: I have atleast 4, but can never find one when i need it.
  3. The ROAD CLOSED sign is there for a reason!!!!

    ....well deserved. :clapping:
  4. Removable wall decals

    Never used 3268, but sounds good. How about the 3628 for much larger decals or wall murals. Has anyone used it???
  5. Koozies and T-Shirts?

    Sleeves you put your drink in. ..... helps keep it cold. :beer
  6. Flexi brush tool

    I'm running version 8.5 mac. i kinda thought it was a flexi issue, hopefully they will make improvements on it in the near future.
  7. Flexi brush tool

    Flexi on mac...using the brush tool. Seems like the brush cursor is chasing the brush tool. I had time to make my coffee before the cursor caught up with it's own tool. This Cat and Mouse game is annoying. I have enough time...i was thinking about grabbing the eraser tool and erasing the...
  8. Font ID

  9. How to make this shadow

    exactly.......use block shadow in flexi, offset and make adjustments in Design Central.
  10. New Business Card/Logo

    Not really.......diamonds can scratch glass!!
  11. Wrap Tape?

    3m cast clear tape for seams. It's best to avoid seams altogether, especially if it's going to a show, but if it's there, 3m clear. Fellers carries it.
  12. Sky gazing?

    wrong....i think he already found what he was looking for.
  13. New Business Card/Logo

    Everything is too scattered....my eyes had to work hard. i would try to keep it more together. Odd place for your name/phone#.... you can find a better home for it. Some color would be nice too. Tints....automotive, commercial, both???
  14. What should I do??

    lol..a detailed contract would've been nice and this prolly wouldn't have happened. At this point, I would talk with the guy directly(face to face) and iron it out.
  15. Chin piercing anyone???

    I should've dropped Chin Nuts back in PS and knock out one of his bad hygiene buck teeth, add tartar with corn and inflame his gingivitis gums..... Then drop Billy Bob the Cavity Man vehicle off in right in front of the corporate office first thing in the morning. Them :omg2: Me :toasting:
  16. Chin piercing anyone???

    He got one and didn't even ask for it. :omg2:
  17. What font is this????

    Thanks Awesome....thanks you guys. :thumb::thumb:
  18. What font is this????

    Difficult one for me.... Can anyone identify this font? :help
  19. Remembering 9/11

    9/11 Retired firefighter wanted to honor and commemorate this day, and any other, to those who served and lost their lives. :wavingflag:
  20. Remembering 9/11

    I was land clearing for a new construction site outside chicago when i got a call from my girlfriend. She told me about a plane hitting one of the buildings. Right away, i thought it was a cesna or a small plane similar in size. Then, she calls me a second time and says........a big passenger...