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Search results

  1. Davey Allison 28

    i did find that thread, but as it has been a couple years since that post i thought maybe someone had a better one by now. thanks for your help.
  2. Davey Allison 28

    been trying to find either vector file or font for 28 used on his car. Anyone able to help?
  3. 3m ij35c-10 30"

    Just checked last week was told it is a special order 2 weeks or so
  4. 3m ij35c-10 30"

    how did you cut the roll?
  5. Oracal ORAGUARD 210 vs 290

    I use 210 on everything calendered. works great
  6. can you laminate a scrim banner?

    I laminated one for a guy and it looked great.
  7. Where can I get this

    wow the" A-G" word. unfortunately that graphic is not in the duo chrome one, which by the way is the only one on their website that I can find with a pdf catalog. I guess they just expect you to buy them and than look- see what you got. Thanks for the help.
  8. Red and Oranges Blah?

    max impact will get you better reds but purples turn blue in it.
  9. Green blacks and blotchy prints on brand new VS-540???

    max impact is great for reds but purple always comes out blue when using it.,prepress makes purple good.
  10. Where can I get this

    any idea where i can get the graphic that is on this boat? thanks
  11. Attitudes around here lately....

    We all must remember that we don't know it all. What is plain as day to to one person is not to the next, and what that person understands is not what the next does. That's why we come to a board like this for answers that the next guy understands and can help one out. Even professionals...
  12. what are you using to control static debris before lamination?

    I own a auto body shop also and new tack rags are sticky like you say, I dont think I would want to use them on prints, but than I have never tried one.
  13. laminate width

    I just always wondered why they dont cut the laminate an 1/8 or 1/4" shorter than the print media, seems like that would make life simpler as you cant print on the entire width of the print media.
  14. laminate width

    how does every one deal with the laminate being a little wider than the print media? It seems that laminate is always a little wider than the print media and it sticks to the rollers . At least oracal is that way. 54" 210 measures 54 1/4 sometimes.
  15. 3165RA & Contour Cutting

    I use 3165ra a lot , and yes with my roland sp540v the small cuts are a pain with any laminated product. The larger smoother cuts are just fine. I have found that with 3165ra and 210 185 pressure works the best.
  16. Help please

    Thanks that was it!
  17. Help please

    anyone know this one? thanks
  18. This Seemed Easy

    Anyone Know This One?
  19. since were on a roll

    Thank you so much fred.
  20. since were on a roll

    you are so quick! how 'bout this one. the clock is ticking (lol)