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you do have to pull the ink through with a syringe when it runs out like that. my sp540 will not stop and "beep" with the bordeux cartridges. of course i'm told i'm the only one with that problem by my supplier. going back to roland ink 'cause i'm tired of it running out 4 feet into a print.
since i switched to to these the out of ink warning does not work and the ink just runs out in middle of a print. then I have to suck the ink to the head with a syringe. Any one else have this problem? iI have an sp540v.
my versacam cuts magnetic fine. you dont cut clear thru, just score it and break it off. 60* blade and about 250 pressure. you have to cut the mag to about the right length first as it will not pull it off the roll. oh yeah ,make sure you leave enough tail to cover the eye on the back.
Flame,I havent trided reducing,Richard @Pacific coast sign supply said it is the material because it prints great on other media .
Darrel, i'll try that profile also.
decided to try this product prints good except where red and black touch each other,not crisp lines,they run into each other. downloaded profile from arlon and also tried versa works profile "calandered wrap vinyl". printed the same. just need to address the black/red issue. printed same file...
I Made A Folder On My Desktop To Export Flexi Files As Eps. To Save. I Than Import Them From There To Versa Works. They All Print Great. You Really Dont Need More Than 72 Dpi At Full Size For Normal Stuff. What Profile For What Media Are You Using?
i have the same problem, and have never really solved it.
i have set the eps margin even higher. with 3651 & 210 lam i cut @ 200.
i just try to be carefull weeding.
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