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Search results

  1. DPI Question

    Bill, I have never used Signlab *But* in flexi this is how I would do it... 1) aquire image 2) in the scanner software, I box out what I would like to scan. 3) select grayscale scanning 4) select 300 dpi 5) click scan After this flexi imports it into my page...Next is use curve,straighten...
  2. Flexi defaults

    A guy at the shop does this all the time and it drives me crazy...and it sounds like what your doing... when you go to type in text, you hit the "T" on the toolbar, right? Ok, as my co-worker does, he knows the size, font, and color he wants the text...with me so far? Instead of clicking...
  3. SignArt Nautilis

    Has anyone used or have a signart nautilis? I received some info on one and they claim running cost is alot cheaper than a gerber and even cheaper than a DC3...they claim 5 yr outdoor w/o lamination which I know that for permant graphics they need to be laminated...but that's pretty convincing...
  4. Hello form Ontario Can.

    Let me be the first to say :Welcome: !
  5. Hello from Alabama!

    thanks for the help I am definetly starting to look in to the Edge...but what about the Summa DC3 plus is it not the same style printing as the Edge? I think it uses foils? Well I'm really not sure I just know it's a thermal printer that maybe totally different thought! Thanks for the help...
  6. Hello from Alabama!

    Hey JimDes, Who is it that you know from Alabama that I know? That's some crazy stuff! Lol
  7. Hello from Alabama!

    I would like to be able to produce most types of signs, BUT I already have found out from listening to you guys that it is not possible to do it all with one machine...I mostly do vehicle lettering, banners, permant signs, fleet trucks, and police vehicles...with that said I will be looking for...
  8. Hello from Alabama!

    thanks for the info maybe I can find a deal on a versacamm...But don't the Gerbers cost alot in terms of output?
  9. Hello from Alabama!

    Hey, How did you know that my dad owns a carwash? Do you know my dad or me somehow? Just come as a shocker to me when I read that! LOL :Big Laugh
  10. Hello from Alabama!

    Mark, that would be great if you wouldn't mind! And Let me know how it prints on reflective or if it can? ! Thanks
  11. Hello from Alabama!

    Hello everyone...My name is Jay and I am 24 yrs old and I have been in the sign business since I was 11. My Dad owned a shop that does automotive striping and accessories...so thirteen years ago we bought a computer and a plotter from JSI Sign System in Atlanta, Ga...We bought this to do decals...
  12. Dreem Time Design Contest - Final Entries

    Here's My Design...! I would quote this job for about $700.00 and would offer to discount that $50 for letting me install a 6" x 12" logo of our shop on each side. I used 5 different colors on this job...Vivid Blue, Black, Dk. Charcoal, Mustard Yellow, and Marine Gray(shadows).
  13. Okay - U Asked 4 It! New Assignment.

    Here's My Design...! I would quote this job for about $700.00 and would offer to discount that $50 for letting me install a 6" x 12" logo of our shop on each side. I used 5 different colors on this job...Vivid Blue, Black, Dk. Charcoal, Mustard Yellow, and Marine Gray(shadows).
  14. Air bubbles under vinyl

    In the past 11 years I have seen lettering jobs come and go...Eighteen wheelers relettered as far as the eye can see and I can definitely tell you that air bubbles will be there forever...if...there is not a release hole or the bubble is really tiny(1/32" or smaller). So there it is...I have...