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Search results

  1. fonts

    If it's a true type font...just install it in the font folder in your control panel. Make sure to close and re-open flexi after installing. If not you may need to ask over at flexiezine.com. Jay
  2. Scaling In Flexi

    Easiest way in Flexi: 1) Draw rectangle over yard stick 2) select rectangle 3) Arrange menu / Resize: Check proportional and apply to all 4) enter width in appropriate box 5) Click check mark and viola! 6) delete rectangle Jay
  3. Today's lame question

    If your cutter can't detect registration marks, it will be a guessing game if it will cut correctly or not. Jay
  4. Photoshop+ Membership Site

    I would be interested, as already has said, if it was well updated and worth the money! Jay
  5. PHOTOSHOP CS3 . . . Ships Today ! ! !

    I hope to email adobe and try to get a reduced rate of upgrade since I just received 2.3 in february! Jay
  6. Illustrator mystery...

    I'm just now learning Illustrator and trying to get in the habit of using the shift when scaling...But I use flexi at work and I catch myself hitting the shift key by accident. In flexi, holding shift when scaling will do right the opposite! Jay
  7. Need help on Fonts List!!

    You could use a font manager. Do a search for "Font manager" and you'll get great results with several different features! They usually let you do a printed list with a examples line below the name! Jay
  8. pricing anyone?

    I used to do alot of car dealership decals for the trunks of the cars. They were 2" x 3" and all cut vinyl we did minimum of 100 and we charged $1.50 each for them...NOW, I wouldn't do them for $2.00. It would take about 3 hrs to run & weed them, not to mention the vinyl cost (which was...
  9. Juice deal is back!

    I know there are some people on here that have been using theses for sometime now for wraps, ect. , but I was wondering if anyone uses them outside of designing wraps for regular signs? Jay
  10. Juice deal is back!

    Of all the juice drops, which one's does everyone feel they use the most? I'm going to purchase this deal and I have looked through all the different one and I am real confused on which ones I might use? Any opinions would be appreciated! Jay
  11. iStockPhoto Has Some Competition

    I never realized about the licenses...I assumed that since the way they advertised them that they were for commercial use. I guess I owe someone a little more money! LOL Next time I will make sure to buy the right one! Thanks for the info, Fred! Jay
  12. iStockPhoto Has Some Competition

    istockphoto.com is pretty cheap...I purchased a reasonably size file (photo) for about $16.00. I used it for a banner for a tanning salon and the quality came out great! On the other hand, Gettyimages.com charges about $100 for the same quality and type graphic! Jay
  13. Flexi 8 not sending cut to Summa DC3 (usb)

    bobby, Are you still working at JSI? If so, are you carrying the summa line? Just wondering, I was looking to check out the DC4 vs. Roland SC-545ex! Jay
  14. Does anyone own the new Summa 30" Thermal Printer yet?

    Does this hold all the ribbons at once? I have never owned a gerber or thermal printer and was just wondering how you know what ribbons to put in? Any info on this would be appreciated! Jay
  15. "Vector Art" brand clipart Versus "Bee-Line"

    I was just referring to buying collections vs. purchasing the images online. I would rather pay a little more per image to be able to purchase just the one I need at the moment (ex. ExpressClipart.com) vs. buying a collection on cd/dvd because I have a customer needing a truck done with that...
  16. "Vector Art" brand clipart Versus "Bee-Line"

    I find myself searching for different things in my clipart collection and 50% of the time coming up short of what I want. This coupled with my poor drawing skill makes it harder to find the right design. On another note, since finding Fred's website, I no longer rely just upon my...
  17. Creative Suite 3

    And I just purchased CS2 with my new mac just 3 weeks ago! Apple said it wasn't to release until the Summer! Guess I'll have to upgrade now!!! LOL Jay
  18. How do you get this gradient?

    Looks like maybe a transparent mask or similar? Might even have been done with a brush tool and just randomly applied a transparency? Hope this helps! Jay
  19. casmate pro allternative

    ISign, Yeah I was going from Casmate (serial) to Flexi (USB). But I actually kept my serial when I first upgraded so that I could run Casmate & Flexi. I had a problem with some files not wanting to act right. The next upgrade I got I purchased the USB and returned the serial. Jay
  20. casmate pro allternative

    I had to return my serial key for a usb key. I could have had the software coded for the serial key , but seeing how everything is usb, I decided to change. As for fonts, You can install all the Casmate fonts and use them with Flexi. You must copy the casmate fonts to the "Casmate Fonts"...