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Search results

  1. Hello All!

    Welcome from Alabama! Jay
  2. what cutting software do you use ?

    Flexi Pro Jay
  3. Mimaki JV3 users...help

    Yeah, I read the post, and took in what you were saying. Not that I don't agree with you on most of the stuff you said, it's just that this is my first printer and I am still in the playing stage of it!!!!:Big Laugh Plus, I alway do white banners with red and black letters for this dealership...
  4. Whats the difference?

    Look at the optiplex line of dell computers. that's what I have a the shop and it does a pretty good job. Better that my dimension at home, but that could be because of all the crap I do at home but not at the shop?! Jay
  5. Mimaki JV3 users...help

    What settings do you usually use for printing on vinyl, banner, etc.? I printed some banners on ultraflex 13 oz gloss tonight using: Oracle 3850 preset, standard quality, 360 x 540, 6 pass, bi-directional I'm using flexi pro rip. The ultraflex profile wasn't in my computer and I couldn't...
  6. Took the plunge...Wish me luck!!!

    do they offer the white for the 130 spII ? If they do I would sure like to add it! Not sure on the inks, I assume they will be the mild solvent. Jay
  7. Took the plunge...Wish me luck!!!

    Yeah I spoke with Mimaki and Grimco when deciding on the 6 color. Both said that it is slower than dual CMYK but without timing it you most likely wouldn't know it. Also, I guy less than a mile down the road has a versacamm and I hope that the 6 color will give better looking gradient and...
  8. cutting out an image

    The tutorial I was talking about is 3 post above your last one. The threads I was referring to was about the trailer you were doing this might have helped a little? But the tutorial is just above! Jay
  9. cutting out an image

    Woods, if you get a chance watch that tutorial I was talking about. I have seen some of your threads lately about the halos and what not and I think this would give you a little more perspective on laying something like that truck onto a different background to make it look like it was sitting...
  10. Took the plunge...Wish me luck!!!

    Talked to Grimco, Inc. today about ordering my digital package! Will be sending half of the money in the morning, so maybe by middle of next week I should have my new equipment! Mimaki JV3-130 spII - 6 color (wasn't sure if I should get 4 or 6) 54" printer Graphtec FC7000-130 MK2 54" cutter...
  11. cutting out an image

    I found when using photoshop (if you are not requiring a cut line) that using the paint, eraser, & smudge tool works great with the quick mask to make a feathered edge. Check out the tutorial on NAPP TV. Episode 89 If you have itune you can subscribe for free. The section is about 10...
  12. Flexi/Vista Issues??

    No, Flexi and Vista don't play well with each other. do a search on here for "vista" and you will find all you NEED to know! Jay
  13. Graphtec Cutting Problem

    If you are cutting outlines or inlines from flexi, be sure to check out the backing button in your outline design box. some times this can be change to "without backing" which will make a cut line around text or objects and then another one with the width you specified. It's the little red box...
  14. Newbie from Alabama

    Welcome from NE Alabama! Jay
  15. Buying A "real" Cutter

    I've had a graphtec FC2100-50, which is a 20" inch cutter (tells you how old it is), for going on 14 years. Only had to send it back one time because the cutting roller got cut up to bad! Mine runs almost all day long every day! Graphtec is a work horse...I'm in the process of finally adding a...
  16. signfonts = awesome!

    I use Marquee and Edoras alot, but for scripts I enjoy the Rhino and Speedway! Looking forward to buying more! Jay
  17. Newest member to S101 family!

  18. Arrrgggg...

    you can select the hummer and do an ungroup. Next while still selected use the compound tool. this will create just outlines of the hummer or... Go to edit>select>select by attributes. Under color check mark the white and select OK. This will select just the white panels. Group them...
  19. JSI Sign Systems is our latest merchant member!

    Welcome from Alabama...Looking forward to coming over to check out your printers in a few weeks! Jay
  20. Hello from Impact Signs and Graphix.com

    Welcome from Alabama!!! This was the best accident that ever happened to me, and I'm sure it won't be so bad for y'all either!! :-) Jay