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Search results

  1. mark scan error?

    Make sure you are set to type 2 marks and the you are printing the type 2 marks also. These are the one that the 2 ends meet outwards from the print not in towards the print. I couldn't get mine to read the type 1, then I re-read my manual and they state to use the type 2 when contour cutting...
  2. Flexi is eating up memory till it PUKES!!!!!!

    I think this "may" have been it? Something along this line! http://www.tucows.com/preview/356015 Jay
  3. Flexi is eating up memory till it PUKES!!!!!!

    Mark Rugen once had a memory program on his website www.givemehelp.com that you could open and would sit idle in the task bar. The program would clear your memory for you when you told it to. I used it on our other machine when we just had 512mb of ram. If I ever notice flexi or my computer...
  4. Importing Files Into Flexi

    Would probably be best to print out a pantone color chart and pick from those when designing. That way when you import into flexi you will know what the colors will look like. Other way would be custom profiling your printer. I have a pantone swatch book and I print a color from it and it's...
  5. Banding on a Mimaki JV3

    It's the media comp...I can't remember exactly how to do it on the fly. I'll try to find out in the morning if no one has helped! Jay
  6. Cant delete jobs in production manager, sometimes.

    try clearing the buffer on the printer after you have aborted the job. Usually works every time! Jay
  7. Smiley with tongue out

    I have a bunch... but not with his tongue out. Unless you can alter this one? :tongue: Jay
  8. Adding pinch rollers?

    Signwarehouse sells the pinch roller assemblies for the panther line of cutters...pretty sure they are just remarketed Graphtecs! Jay
  9. Drop Shadow

    create the drop shadow as usual. You can do one of the following: 1. Seperate shadow...then select shadow and apply gradient fill 2. Just go to your fill/stroke editor and apply gradient fill from there. Jay
  10. What's the best plotter on the market?

    I've used a FC-2100 series Graphtec for the last 14 years and it runs constantly 5 days a week (we do automotive decals and such for the used and new automotive dealers, so alot of the works is just 4x4, sports, ect.) Sent this machine in twice in 14 years to fix the grit roller. The 2100 series...
  11. Print and Cut Experiments

    I like #4 the best but it kinda has a wood feel to it. Jay
  12. Flexi 8.5 for Vista!!!!

    I actually called about the upgrade freebie today, since I just bought my upgrade around the first of August. SAI customer service said you MUST have purchased your Flexi 8 upgrade between August 22 - September 30. Anything before or after isn't eligible. Mine was purchased August 8th...what...
  13. production manager deleting cut jobs after they cut

    open production manager...choose edit / preferences... towards bottom "Send-After output" . choose hold to keep in production manager. Jay
  14. new setup ?s for changing flexi/mimaki CPU

    Where did you purchase your Triangle setup? I just got my machine about 3 wks ago, but as soon as I get comfortable with it I may go bulk. Also, any issues with warranties? I'm also running mimaki/flexi 6 color, but as stated only for 3 weeks!!!!! LOL Jay
  15. Default preferences

    Actually, you just saved it with the quanity set to 6...If you reopen the file change it back to quanity of 1, then just save again, it will be reset for the next time. I have had the same problem before, but I just started resetting to 1 and saving before closing the file. A little extra step...
  16. New Merchant Member - SAI

    Welcome...I have enjoyed Scanvec software from the start! I think if you purchased Flexi 8 before september you can upgrade for free! I'll see if I can find the email I got, but I'm sure Matthew could clear this up! Jay
  17. Cutting through the backing paper

    PMG...you can also set flexi to control the force/quality/ect. under you graphtec properties in Production Manager. But that shouldn't be the problem since it's a random occurrence during cutting. Jay
  18. Cutting through the backing paper

    What software are you using to cut with? I just upgraded to flexi 8 and it can control the setting from production manager. I had mine set to 16 but the PM had it set to 20...no matter what setting I set the machine to PM was overriding that setting? Jay
  19. new setup ?s for changing flexi/mimaki CPU

    I just hooked my printer up and when it said "new hardware found" I just went through the steps of installing my printer. Check your systems hardware for the firewire. Mine says "Mimaki Printer" for the firewire port. If you haven't figured it out by tomorrow, I'll check my setting and such...
  20. Who makes a good camo fill

    camoclad.com We use it to install on everything and even cut stickers out of it! Best I have worked with so far! Jay