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Search results

  1. Perfect settings for Graphtec

    I have used the following over the last 12 years: vinyl - 15 / 50 laminated - 20 / 35 reflective - 25 / 25 I used 3 different blades though...vinyl, reflective ( 60 degree) , and laminated material. I have accrued over 3 different holders for my graphtec, so I make use out of them! Jay
  2. Flexi 8.1 Multi-threading

    We have a dual core and I think the biggest gain on our printer came from have a good scratch disk, and our programs running from a raid setup! Without the scratch disk it took forever to generate and rip the wrap files, while adding a "GOOD" scratch disk proved to really improve rip times...
  3. Can Flexi Import A DXF?

    yes it will Jay
  4. Flexi 8.1 Multi-threading

    I actually just upgraded our computer a few months ago and when ripping a wrap job through production manager, it only used two threads. After upgrading to a dual core processor, it now will rip with five threads. The maximum is six threads but I couldn't get it to use all six? As far a flexi...
  5. How Many Lefties Are In The House?

    Also a lefty!
  6. Flexi HELP!!

    try clearing the preferences or loading the default preference. You will probably have to setup the devices again, but usually works everytime! Jay
  7. Profile To Use For Vehicle Wrap

    Gary...is that what your using on your mimaki? I have the JV3 54", and was wondering what you "Normally" print at? Never tried the LX diffusion? Do you have good luck with the bi-directional? Mine seems to have the light/dark effect. Jay
  8. Can you plot from Photoshop to a graphtec?

    I think the graphtecs come with the plugins for illustrator to cut directly from it...atleast my FC7000 did! Jay
  9. Graphtec FC7000-130 recenty serviced and still having issues =O

    Is it the pen cutting the paper or the cross cutter? We had a similar problem that the cross cutter would stay down and chew up our vinyl? Jay
  10. signguy95

    Comment by 'signguy95' in media 'Direct Effect Graphics'

    Nice Job! Looks Great! Jay
  11. Hello from alabama

    Welcome from NE Alabama! Jay
  12. Mimaki Is Banding, Bad Test Cleans

    I was told not to over do the nozzle wash. I usually clean my printer at the end of the day. That way if it don't get used for a day, it's clean and not getting dried ink on it. Also, when I do need to print I just fire it up run a quick test pattern and start printing. Then clean at the...
  13. Mimaki Is Banding, Bad Test Cleans

    Yeah I don't keep any pre-fill cartridges either. You probably won't need them unless your moving, special cases of cleaning. I think you will be able to solve this without using them. I would think you should do a soft cleaning when you get done with the nozzle wash. That way anything...
  14. Mimaki Is Banding, Bad Test Cleans

    Yeah, the head cleaning uses the same solution that you would use it you were to flush the lines. Install Pre-Fill Solution cartridge and do the head cleaning, when finished it will prompt you to insert color cartridge and then fill the lines pushing out the pre-fill solution. I think the...
  15. Mimaki Is Banding, Bad Test Cleans

    Try a Nozzle Wash. That may help your problem if the nozzles are clogged! Jay
  16. Flexi Color Help...

    Yeah you really need to calibrate your monitor or use the same monitor profile in all programs to get the same color between apps. Jay
  17. Stupid flexi question...

    Drag the center point of one of the circle towards the corner (smaller), this will change the size of all the corners! Jay
  18. Mac to Mimaki - won't talk!

    I don't know about the Mimaki cutters, but the guy that setup our Mimaki printer said that I couldn't use the printer w/ Mac OS. Probably because of the drivers, but I haven't actually confirmed this as we have a PC at work, but Mac at home. Could always run parallels and windows? Jay
  19. The "Wrap Daddy" Computer

    I'm actually trying to determine what's the better upgrade for my computer if anyone could offer some advice? We just started the whole Large Format Printing part of the business and while my computer was sufficient for vinyl it seems a little weak for printing? During printing of our van wrap...
  20. flexi crash

    What version? Windows? Is the dongle connected? Have you cleared preferences? Jay