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The one that has been mentioned many times...
software is called FontExpert. The US distributor for it is Smart Designs FontExpert.
also if you do a search on "Font Recognition" from the start up page, you may find many others mentioned.
i don't think you're missing anything... but maybe i am.... Why do you need a cut line at the overlap point? if i understand it right, that 1/4 inch area is going to remain in tact so you can overlap the other panel... both signmate and VMP did (do) the same thing that your describing. but...
Only got stuck with a dongle application once, and that one only required the dongle. Didn't look any further than to verify and get its info from there.
Anything hooked up after that was superfluous.
Funny you should mention the cost of the upgrade as a part of you "descision" to think about switching.... I did the exact same thing about 4 or 5 years ago... for less than the cost of upgrading my then present software i switched to VMP Pro.... i use Corel for my major design work and VMP for...
My "vote" is to keep what you've got. it's far superior than what i had with my other program (of course that was back in 2000, b4 i switched to VMP so they may have changed also). the ability to manipulate the cutting with out affecting the "design" is a Great time and vinyl saver.
i originally used signmate elite, then switched to vinylmaster pro. found the feature set to be more than comparable and price wise --- NO CONTEST--, Roland wanted more for an up grade than the whole VMP package.... Have been very happy with VMP. ( although the "dongle" security they just...
Looks AWFUL familiar, but can't place it... if you can post a clean bmp of it that i can scan, i'll be happy to run it through my collection and see if it pops up.
The Dongle "should" only work with the same program it was sold with... it should be matched to the serial number of the software it is "protecting"...
The good news is that you can run the same software on more than one computer (if you transport the dongle)
The bad news is that they often...
In version 11, got to TEXT/FORMAT/PARAGRAPH
That give the option of spacing between words
Ver 9 probably has the same thing... it's been a while since i used that version.
Sorry.... but I can match some of the letters most of the time, a few of the letters some of the time but all of the letters none of the time....
Only have a repretoire of about 8 or 9000 fonts... maybe some with a wider selection will have more luck.
good luck
1) How about the customer who wants a Taj Mahal sign at a camping tent price.
2) "You cut the letters for me, but i want to save money by installing them myself" ... and of course the corralary... "I messed up some of the letters trying to install them... you'll replace them free right?
Have u tried reloading Corel.... If i'm reading what your saying correctly, it sounds like a bad file in your corel setup and a reload may fix it for you.
Using the type manager that comes with vinylmaster pro.... allows the ability to scan a font and gives matches based on the font characteristics... great when a cust comes in with an Oddball font and wants to match it up
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