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Search results

  1. My first Rant - frustrated with Wasatch customer service...

    I have long been singing the praises of Wasatch on this forum, FWIW I still think it is a great piece of software. However, after reading many negative stories, not about the product, but about having to deal with them as a company, and after dismissing it as trivial - I now find myself in the...
  2. FOR SALE: Mutoh ValueJet 1304, 54" printer, Dx5 head - $3,000.00

    Took the plunge and snagged a new Mutoh 1624 during the sale last month. So, to make room I need to find our 1304 a new home. I got this machine off another member earlier this year when they closed their shop. I did a complete clean and rebuild swapping in a new maintenance station, all new...
  3. Considering new Mutoh 1624...

    Most who know me realize we run Mutohs here at our shop and both my 1604 and 1304 are running fine. However, there is some really good pricing right now due to Mutoh's year end sale. Looks like best price I've found is from SignWarehouse for just the 1624 printer - we don't really need the...
  4. Droplet sizes?

    Wondering if anyone can help me figure out the droplet sizes printed by my Mutoh 1604. I just realized that Wasatch has a cost estimator built in to their software and unfortunately the only missing piece of the puzzle is the droplet size (in pico liters) needed for small/medium/large sized...
  5. What do you use to clean a matte wrap?

    Installed our first total color change wrap using the Avery Matte Black yesterday. Thing is, there are fingerprint/oil marks in random spots from the install. I tried using a little alcohol and while it removed some of the oil, you can still see a little of the "ghosting" where this was. I...
  6. First outdoor wall mural/wrap on brick surface...

    Took on a 12' x 20' wall mural to advertise the summer movie series for our local Parks and Rec. I did the design trying to keep things looking "period" with the photo, kept the colors simple and fonts easy to read. We had a lot of fun with this project, and had lots of rubber-neckers while we...
  7. Mutoh 1204 with takeup, Ex Cond, RIP software included...Great starter or backup!!!

    Selling my first printer, Mutoh 1204 with takeup. I bought this as a repo from Rayco Sign Supply in Chicago, who included the RIP software you see here (Flexi SE and an upgrade for Flexi 8.5 with dongle). *NOTE - I don't know anything about this software, if it has been registered, not...
  8. Approx square footage or measurements of 2004 Porsche 911 matte black wrap?

    Anyone know what the approx square footage on a 2004 Porsche 911? Customer wants a full flat black, less mirrors and spoiler. Trying to figure out a price for this without having access to the car - which is out of state right now... *Also, if anybody has done a color change on a 911 I would...
  9. A little help please...

    Can't figure this one out - Seems a little like Bauhaus, Mink, etc. but not quite - especially regarding the "a" and "e"..
  10. Brick wall wrap project - need advice...

    Have a project where I need to wrap a mural on a brick wall of a Pizza shop downtown. Not quite sure on the final size - but will probably be a couple hundred square feet. Anyway, the particulars are; - the wrap is only permitted for 90 days - but I don't want to risk using junk and have to...
  11. How much time do you estimate for employee to hem & grommet 15 banners?

    OK, so new guy does great work but he seems (to me) very slow. I gave him a roll of 15 banners, 3' x 3' that needed cut down/trimmed from a 38" roll so he's only trimming top and bottom, and then 4 sided tape hem and grommets placed in each of 4 corners, then roll up and tape each one when...
  12. Anyone have alternate phone# for Signs365??

    Had a customer place a big rush order over the weekend for some very large banners needed by Wednesday. Have been trying to reach Signs365 since 9AM and can't get through on the phone (Says all circuits busy) and have had no response on their website customer portal either. Usually they're...
  13. Carriage bearings for 1604?

    Hi all, I've been noticing a noise occassionally coming from the head carriage on my 1604 and I suspect one or more of the bearings is starting to wear. Anyone ever replaced these, and do you know where to get them? Thanks!
  14. Employees, need advice on taking the next big step with my business...

    **Sorry in advance for the lengthy post** Since starting my business in 2009 I've had steady, yearly growth of 15-20% per year, but grew nearly 50% last year adding a 2nd printer and picking up several big accounts. Of course this growth was wonderful, and many of you might be asking "What's...
  15. Reasonable percentage for "Finder's Fee"?

    We have a handful of accounts that we wholesale to, nothing really major like some of you guys. One of these is an offset print shop that typically only buys banners, yard signs, decals, etc. However, they have a customer that has 2 box trucks that need print/cut lettering made and...
  16. Ink for Mutoh Valuejet - Complete set of 4 new!!!

    Hey guys, I forgot I had these and need to get them gone. I rec'd these about this time last year to test when I was on the hunt for a 3rd party ink for my 1204. I decided to go with a bulk system instead. These are SignWarehouse brand Endura Inks, 220ml. Never opened, still sealed in the...
  17. 3M 8508 cast laminate...opinions???

    Typically, we've been using 8518 on most of our long-term outdoor prints. However, wondering if we can get by with something a little less pricey on flat prints mounted to poly-metal, MDO, etc. or decals applied to flat surfaces. Was looking at the 8508 but it only rates for 3 yrs. on a cast...
  18. Thoughts on this RIP setup?

    Now I have both a Mutoh 1204 and a 1604 which I plan to control both with my copy of Wasatch which supports up to 4 devices. I also have my Summa D140 running as one of the devices. I was advised by Wasatch tech that a quad-core machine would be best to avoid bottle-knecking when using all 3...
  19. Does this reek of Scam?

    Got this email this morning. Haven't replied back yet, but the generic content, poor grammer and vague details leave me thinking this is a new type of scam. I would rather not reply at all at this point. What say ye fellow s'101-ers? Good day , My name is Doctor William...
  20. Question for users of Grimco's KEY banner material...

    Long time user of KEY banner from Grimco - 13oz gloss primarily. Just got a new box of 54", noticed it no longer comes in the round cardboard tube, but a box with plastic cores, much like vinyl. Also noticed it feels flimsier and thinner than the previous version. FWIW - I ran a 4x10 banner...