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Search results

  1. mutoh printer 1204

    Sounds like head cable /ribbon. They are only good for about 5 - 7 insertions. But it may have been bad before you changed the head.
  2. Hello New member with ???

    Stay away from the Stika... It's too small.
  3. Liquid Laminate for Canvas Prints

    I vote for Clearshield also... You can brush it on the canvas and it dries without brushmarks.
  4. Why should I sponsor you.....

    Bump on that one!!! So true!
  5. CorelDraw X7

    Well I've got X7 installed and have found the first bug. If I export my workspace from X5, it won't import to X7. Bummer. But otherwise, I'm liking it.
  6. Should USCUtter accept Bitcoin payments?

    I vote for accepting Bitcoin... Mainly to get it into the mainstream. But if you expect to actually receive a Bitcoin payment, you are deluding yourself. Look how long it took Paypal to be an accepted payment among vendors. (Yes I know US Cutter accepts Paypal. Some of your stuff is reasonably...
  7. hi from texas

    Welcome from South Carolina!
  8. Hello From Ohio

    Welcome from South Carolina!
  9. What is the clostest match to this font...

    A&S Bushwacker http://ufonts.com/fonts/as-brushwacker.html
  10. Long time fan, now a memeber from Atlanta

    Welcome from Anderson, SC... Life gets easier, now.
  11. HP L25500 Color issue

    Pantone 1795 is a really red, red.... Try that one.
  12. S160 blade issue while cutting laminated vinyl

    The knife is not set to the proper depth... run the knife out from the knife holder an extra 1/4 turn.
  13. Trouble finding a true RED

    In Flexi if you choose the pantone spot color palette or the "1Shot" Enamel pallet you may find the right red. The 1Shot Palette / Swatch uses the L*A*B color space and really reproduces vivid / accurate colors. You other Flexi users might want to explore the 1Shot L*A*B color palettes, the...
  14. Pricing to sub out print work

    All good well thought questions! Sub out the work and expect to pay around $4.00 per SqFt for all different types of material except wrap vinyl. Please, don't "Cheap Out" on your supplier, and wheedle him /her for a lower than normal wholesale price, it only puts you to the back of the print...
  15. Help with this Chicken & Waffles Font

    Thank you Fred... I would have NEVER guessed Script MT Bold. The name is too plain for such a fancy Font!
  16. Help with this Chicken & Waffles Font

    I need a little help identifying this Chicken & Waffles Font. please. I have a whole bunch of Sign making fonts and can't find a match....
  17. Where to purchase Extira?

    Here in South Carolina, I buy it from Piedmont Plastics...
  18. Wow it's cold out!

    It's a cold one here in South Carolina too, But I've had more orders pour in today than the last two weeks.... Thank Heavens for email.
  19. double sided banner

    I agree with Mosh wholeheartedly! It looks bad in the sun unless you have Blockout Banner material, and it's not worth the price.
  20. Striping on export

    Unfortunately this is a byproduct of eps files and gradients, as you already know. Since you are using CorelDraw, try welding the letters together. This helps 80% of the time. If that dont work, heaven forbid, convert the letters to raster and trace them back to vector. Its a bummer that the...