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Search results

  1. Carpet Graphics for Bass boats

    Arlon 8000 will POSITIVELY leave a residue! It is practically unremovable. Speaking from experience....
  2. Font ID, please

    Empire Extended Oblique
  3. Need Help Please!

    You are right... The rubber wiper "scrapes" across it every day. The roll of Blue Shop Towels they sell in Lowes or Home Depot are good enough. And yes you can clean your head this way without detriment. There are other types of Lint Free paper towels out there like the "Swiffer Sweeper"...
  4. Need Help Please!

    Actually, put some ecosolvent cleaning fluid from your cleaning cartridge on a lint free paper cloth and lower the head down on it for 30 seconds and then withdraw it out slowly, with the head still in the down position. Rinse, and repeat with a fresh lint free paper cloth... You may need to...
  5. Sooo so urgent. Registration marks move?? I'm going to lose my sh*t

    Are your registration marks disappearing because they are a slightly different color and the production manager only cuts one color at a time?
  6. high quality prints directly to metal

    My solution to that is to print on clear vinyl with ecosolvent ink and laminate to the aluminum... I've been doing it that way for years, and it protects the aluminium from oxidation.
  7. Setting up Mutoh 1324 Need Help

    The very best profile to start with on your machine is the Avery 1005 720x720 Graphics 2 Profile. You can do your tweaking from there with excellent results.
  8. Instant One Media?

    I too, have used the Instant One media Vinyl and have no problem with it. He promises to order grey adhesive on the next container load he orders....
  9. Clear Coat over UV Ink

    Run them through the laminator....
  10. ??? Franchise Pricing ???

    The $130.00 he mentioned is for the WHOLE roll of 54x150 vinyl. By the way, Instant One Media's Air Release vinyl is good for the price. I've used a couple of rolls.
  11. tow behind boom lift

    I can say from personal experience, never buy a JLG towable manlift. The electronic controls are absolute crap! And very expensive to repair.
  12. Anyone else see this?

    Trolling for Suckers... I've never been able to find that "Sucker" that PT Barnum always talked about. Now I know why. I've always assumed my customers weren't idiots. It never occurred to me to troll for stupid people via youtube. The problem with selling sub par stuff to people is that...
  13. Business card printer

    Good God! That's expensive.... $22.00 per 1000 with shipping from Zooprinting.com
  14. Corel X6 .tif export bug

    I agree this is a real problem, especially in X6... I've been doing what Bob suggested, but I can't figure a work around for it. Bummer.
  15. Mutoh Kona 1650 Not cutting with flexi 10 :(

    If you mean the corners are a bit rough, the knife offset settings in the kona need to be tweaked... and make sure the you have selected knife and not pen as your default setup. Be sure to use a 45 degree knife se to the proper depth.
  16. Mutoh Kona 1650 Not cutting with flexi 10 :(

    I've posted the Mutoh Kona Drivers on to the internet for you... Enjoy. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0PCUE5v0vWGS003cThzb2tqVGc&usp=sharing
  17. Finishing of mesh banners

    I know this thread is finished with the originator posting his final remedy, Thank you, that's real helpful! But for others in this situation, hem with banner tape as normal and sprinkle white talc /foot powder on the banner tape through the mesh. This fills the adhesive with a white that won't...
  18. Not sure what to do with these...

    Also, if you want to stay with the Fluorescent tubes, you can apply a thin strip of aluminum tape on the front of the tubes to reflect excessive light to the rear of the cabinet.
  19. Not sure what to do with these...

    "Frosted Glass" Vinyl is a great diffuser for the back side. Consider LED's on the sides of the cabinet pointing toward the center. More light bounce / refraction before exiting through the face.
  20. 540v Ink drops and weird smudge

    RJS Signs is right! There is fuzz on the leading and trailing edges of your print head. Wet a thick / folded quality paper towel with "Flushing fluid" and lower the head onto it... Let it sit that way for 60 seconds and then slowly withdraw the towel, (with the printhead in the low position)...