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Search results

  1. Discussion Led signboard installation

    As I understand, you are a safety professional so you know where these LEDsigns should be installed... The only you need is to install it properly? So in case you already have these LEDsign boards, any electrician on your construction site who works with a low voltage (12V) can do that...
  2. over silicone joints on a trailer

    I agree with @ikarasu before laying the vinyl you should remove silicone from sims and after wrapping the vinyl, you will cover the stay open sims with new silicone. However any issues with crossing sims you can reduce much more in the designing. As I see design is not so complicated so you can...
  3. Suggestions keencut

    Honestly? Sometimes I think we should use it to prove money spending. Yes, it's a very useful tool. However, it way faster to cut a few edges by a knife&ruler or did straight multiply cutting in ploter-cuter by plot-cut option.
  4. New Product Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego

    This very effective tool as I see! Thank you for videos. So for now you have no any one in stock, right?
  5. New Product Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego

    Thank you the-big-squeegee! I saw the Cradle Tool in your product list. Do you have the video with instruction how to use it? It’s looks very useful tool for vinyl application on big windows.
  6. New Product Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego

    Thank you, sir! I saw the boat wrap pictures in your gallery, that is a great job. I have a question about boat wrap. Did you take measurements and rebuild make an exact shape curve when designing each new boat wrap? I did some of boat wrap designs too, however still have no idea what is...
  7. graphtc cutter wont countour cut, keep getting "mark scan error E024024

    Problem in Cut/Plot with cutting Marks in 75% based on extra bleed space around cutting marks. To prevent it use the marks which lines (branches) direct out from cut picture. This type of marks will take more space however you will never forget about extra Inch for rollers. In case you already...
  8. New Product Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego

    Nowadays a lot of new and reopened businesses rebuild business relations. Choosing a reliable advertising manufactory and creative graphic design company is the right step to success. The Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop has both of these features. Owned by a Designer with 25 years of production...
  9. Yeahgor

    Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop - Fearless Creativity for Brave Businesses in San Diego...

    Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop - Fearless Creativity for Brave Businesses in San Diego. https://yeahgor.com
  10. Yeahgor

    Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego.

    Yeahgor Sign & Design Shop in San Diego.
  11. Looking for a printer

    BTW here is the source I looking for used printers: 1 - https://globalgarage.com/products?manufacturer=&equipment_type=&print_width=&price=2&postal=&country=&new=y 2 - http://www.digitsmith.com/f8.html 3 - https://www.searchcraigslist.org 4 -...
  12. Looking for a printer

    I see that JV300 have 2 heads so in case you have plans to do fast and many jobs this is very good choice. However I saw few used of JV150 and JV300 in Craigslist almost the same price as Mimaki provide that Decembers Offer days.
  13. Need Help Cutting Master 4 plug-in for Corel DRAW 2020

    Thank you all! It's working now :)
  14. Need Help Cutting Master 4 plug-in for Corel DRAW 2020

    As I can see you use the Launch menu from macros however I can't find this "Launch" in Corel DRAW 2020... :(
  15. Need Help Cutting Master 4 plug-in for Corel DRAW 2020

    Oh, you probably can explain me how to install CM4 and where I can find this plugin in Corel 2020 interface? Please
  16. Need Help Cutting Master 4 plug-in for Corel DRAW 2020

    So the subject is in the topic name. I have the full version of Corel DRAW2020 and freshly downloaded Cutting Master 4 (v3.7). However, the Corel DRAW has no any signs of installed CM4 plug-in. Did any sign shop professionals here have a successful experience in the installation and work with...
  17. What does PLUS actually mean?

    As I see it has changes in take-up reel and this weird outside take-up reel connector adapter now is inside the case with main board. Also Plus Models starts support new cased 600mL cartridges and that cartridges now named like implemented Bulk Ink System support (Marketing trick), however I...
  18. Manufacturer Training in Mimaki Printers Needed

    Awesome, that topic I thinking about last few weeks. So Solventinkjet your money reason advice is stay in non certified troubleshooting service, and probably extend numbers of print brands I can fix instead of getting the only one brand Certification?
  19. Need Help Backlit defects

    How deep is this scratches? As I see it's looks like mechanical scratch by metal brush or big grain sand paper.