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Search results

  1. capping station

    New heads and new capping station ..Are they a adjustment on the capping station for a mutoh falcon2 seems it is not coming up far enough or the heads are not adjusted..when parked i can see light through the capping station via flashlight....any suggestions would be appreciated...Thanks
  2. effect

    how do i get this layed down effect and the tapered shadow effect...thanks
  3. effect

    how do i get this layed down effect and the shadow effect..thanks
  4. digital print what to use...

    MikePro,do i use a foam roller?do i use gloss ,semi gloss, matte, are they rules for the different clears?
  5. digital print what to use...

    hello i used a sp540 to print a 4x8 i have it layed to alum core...wondering what to use to laminate it or if i should...i have 30in 210 but don't want to seam it...should i use frog juice or clear sheild or something thanks...
  6. us grommet machine

    OldPaint, i looked at the die it was spring loaded and was in the right way,the grommet that came with the machine the bottom is smaller than the #2's i have and the hole dont have a clonical it is a straight hole, they are both # 2's the one with a straight hole works i hate to go to usgrommet...
  7. us grommet machine

    i purchased a us grommet #2 dies the machine came with a few #2 grommets(they work fine)and i have #2 grommets but the hole is tapered a little on the grommets and wont fit the die they are3/8s but tapered grommets.question where can i get the #2 grommets that is not tapered,, thanks
  8. Printing a banner

    thanks thank you
  9. Printing a banner

    hello i am using a sp540 and have a banner to print with just black letters 3x10 just currious what settings you all use in versaworks thanks..
  10. fuzzie

    fixed was exporting from flexi eps opened in corel and exported eps opened rvw all is well...got a question exported as eps and colors was in rvw swatch when imported into corel swatch colors changed amd i missing something? thanks
  11. fuzzie

    cyber i took file into flexi unmasked several layers and the file seems to be fine i will print tomorrow (seeems alot of mask) but i flattened most be all the layers...thanks for posting up
  12. fuzzie

    did a design in ps all vector save as eps and printed through versworks and print looks fuzzy around edges and looks like smears does anyone know what may cause this...sp 540 flattened layers as well usually i get crisp edges with vectors...Thanks for looking...
  13. 1933 ford 5 window coupe

    sorry i need a vector one...my bad...
  14. 1933 ford 5 window coupe

    Does anyone know where to find a 1933 coupe looking straight on and down one side just a little...Thanks
  15. Sp300v no power

    looks like digi has them in stock... http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=285-1712-ND
  16. Sp300v no power

  17. white outline

    roland sp540v when i print a white outline (thinking it wont print white)around a object that carries over to another obect or if i have text in a black box and i want my text black and i put a outline around text in white it looks good but when i print it has a light tanish look to the...
  18. Bitmap To Vector Charge

  19. G

    http://www.midsouthdigitizing.net/ cant beat this guy...call them they can redraw anything and...

    http://www.midsouthdigitizing.net/ cant beat this guy...call them they can redraw anything and the vectors is awesome and i know someone that digitizes cheap!!
  20. sport designs

    anyone do third party sport designs 2 to 3 color...need a designer that is affordable in this area and has some layouts already just change the names not picky...Thanks