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Search results

  1. Kerning in Omega

    That did the trick, thanks.
  2. Kerning in Omega

    I recall a visual kerning tool in Omega (2.6) and can't for the life of me find it anymore. It allowed you to grab a handle and expand or contract the distance between characters so you could visually set the character spacing. Going through the text edit dialogue box is a poor solution...
  3. Cut to a Roland plotter from Omega?

    Is it possible to use Gerber Omega to output to a Roland plotter? We presently have Omega 2.6 to output to an Edge LE and an Envision 375 plotter. We also have a wide format Roland printer/cutter (that we no longer print from) that we output to using Roland ColorRIP, a short lived program...
  4. Vinyl is NOT made for Signmaking

    Also, I'm pretty sure it's the laminate on the printed piece that gives you the protection, not that the ink is more durable. Vinyl color goes all the way through so when it scratches, it doesn't change to white. You can laminate solid vinyl if you want physical durability.
  5. Where can i find/trade/buy vector stripes like these...

    Most of those are also on Roland's Vector Art collection. I have Volumes 2 and 4 and those are on them. I think you can also buy them individually for $1 or so.
  6. Stencils

    That Hand-Jet Pen is the coolest solution I've ever heard of. I wonder if it's available in the U.S. and at what cost. Each marking contains 16 lines of 2" text, the longest line is 105" long. This thing would work perfectly if we can get it (and afford it).
  7. Stencils

    Does anyone know where to get stencils? We need to paint on a block of text (480 characters, 2" high, 105" x 75" area) on vinyl fabric. It will be used as wrap for material being shipped and contains government required information. Each block of text must appear on each side of the...
  8. Anyone have a Keencut Sabre, etc for sale?

    We have an 80" RotoTrim, which is the same type of rotary cutter that we never use. PM me if you're interested in getting it for a song.
  9. Illustrator CC alignment problem

    Eric, thank you, that's what I was looking for. That's two things I learned from you today; I also watched a demo of you vectorizing a logo and learned the arrow keys can be used to change the radius of a rounded rectangle! In the future, for items that can't be resolved here where do I find...
  10. Illustrator CC alignment problem

    I mentioned on a thread a few weeks ago that I was downloading Illustrator and Photoshop CC. I have a Creative Could subscription but was unaware that a new version was available. I have a problem with Illustrator CC that is causing me to revert back to Illustrator CS6. I'm used to...
  11. font help?

    I know this has a negative slant or shear on it, but does anyone recognize this font? And when I went to type in a title for this thread, I typed "f" and "font help?" came up. Is that just my computer autofill or is that because I used the correct forum (Fonts and Typography) for the first time?
  12. Photoshop files... Who else hates 'em?

    You can delete all hidden layers with one simple command using the menu options "Layer/Delete/Hidden Layers". You can combine any layers you want by selecting them and using the menu options "Layer/Merge Layers". That's all pretty simple, but the others are right, you shouldn't be changing...
  13. adobe illustrator CC ?

    Just one of many agonizing aspects of the Creative Cloud subscription is they don't even notify you that newer versions exist for the downloading. They continue to notify you of updates available for CS6, but I didn't find out there was a newer version until I received the same message from a...
  14. Using quickbooks for Mac on multiple computers? Will it allow 3 installs?

    Doug, that's what I bought about a year ago, but I paid $100 less. I don't know if the price varies at different times on Amazon. Anyway, if you're changing from QB for Windows to QB for Mac, be prepared for a number of missing features and more importantly, a significant number of bugs. I...
  15. Using quickbooks for Mac on multiple computers? Will it allow 3 installs?

    We have three QB for Mac licenses and they use a very different approach to multi users. There is a separate program called Quickbooks Server which manages the users and will NOT let you open a copy that exceeds the number of licenses you own. I'm not sure how you access the database from...
  16. Cutting lines on a traction fed plotter

    Can you post a drawing or photo of what you're trying to do? It doesn't sound that difficult so I may be picturing something entirely wrong. We have a Gerber sprocket feed and a Roland friction feed and I think either one would cut this successfully if I slowed the speed down enough. At high...
  17. Need advise before i purchase a version of omega 2.5

    Gerber keeps good track of their stuff. When you buy hardware you transfer it. It may be the same with software. I beleive you need a hardware congle to run Omega and Gerber would keep track of that nad transfer ownership. If you're planning to do this legally, why don't you call them and ask?
  18. Help ID these fonts

    Thanks for the quick reply. I posted the same question on What the Font's forum after failing to identify it electronically and they came up with the other one. It is Coventry Garden NF Pro. Between the two forums, two correct answers while I ate lunch. Thanks again.
  19. Help ID these fonts

    These fonts were sent to me by a client who told me they were "Calamity Jane". One of them is clearly a bolder version of "Calamity Jane" by Nick's Fonts, but I can't find a bolder version. It's possible the client added the stroke weight but I doubt it. Nick's Fonts does not have a heavier...
  20. Pricing and Shop Software

    What is ShopVox? Is it a simpler version of SignVox? Does it require as much setup time as ShopVox?