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Search results

  1. Took the CS2 plunge...

    Thanks, PS&G!! I'll check into that.
  2. Took the CS2 plunge...

    It's working now... I opened up PS CS2 and opened a new document. While I was in there, I made something really simple. For kicks, I went ahead and minimized PS, opened Flexi, went to a practice document, imported the thing I'd saved in PS, went up to the Bitmap dropdown and sure enough all the...
  3. Took the CS2 plunge...

    mwoodson44, I'll check that out. I don't recall if my sample was set up that way. Seems like though I recall none of the bitmap editing tools in Flexi are available when the picture is converted to CMYK anyway. Doug, Sorry, man. Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my initial post. I WANT to learn...
  4. Took the CS2 plunge...

    I'll try that. Thanks, George
  5. Took the CS2 plunge...

    I appreciate it OAD and Schultz, I went through the tutorial and the thread, both suggesting the file path solution. I set that up and was able to see the names of the filters under the Adobe pull down but once I rolled over one with my mouse, the individual effects themselves were grayed...
  6. Took the CS2 plunge...

    Hey, I just bought CS2 premium having barely worked in any Adobe software at all with the exception of Acrobat Professional. I need to get up and running with this as quickly as possible, specifically on the photoshop side and being able to use the Adobe effects in Flexi. Can any of you walk...
  7. Nearly 400 free fonts

    I checked out the site and had no problems. I downloaded a group of fonts (not all of them yet) and installed without a hitch. Opened up Flexi and there they were, all ready to go. I also checked using AdAware and Spybot as well as AVG and I have no viruses or spyware, so far. Anybody else...
  8. HI from Georgia

    Welcome Hawgleg!:Welcome:
  9. Newly Registered

    :Welcome: from the land of OZ George
  10. Air bubbles under vinyl

    Gino, You know, you may be on to something. I mean, after all, I do a lot of my work in the capital city of Kansas, Topeka. And Topeka bears a particulary peculiar series of zip codes. They all....start....with.........*gasp*.....666!!!!!
  11. Business Names??

    Joseph hit the nail on the head; that's one of the reasons I went with A Good Sign. G
  12. Business Names??

    Sign One, Thanks, I'm pretty fond of it myself. :-) So far, there's only two I'm aware of; me and a guy in California. bsbp1230, If you like it, by all means, use it! :Welcome: George
  13. Cannot Open Port in Flexi 7.6

    I think Flamey is on the right track. Make sure you have the latest drivers for all of your plotters/printers/etc.. Often, you get the OS upgraded for your computer but expect the same drivers that worked before to work; they usually don't. Go to the websites of the manufacturers and download...
  14. Dislike Flexi

    Ads too! My 2 cents: Flexi to me was intuitive enough, I was able to learn it in two weeks' time. Obviously not all of its nuances but the vast majority; and this was in the midst of "auditioning" for the job, having never seen the software before. One of the coolest things about it I like...
  15. Font Mystery

    Looking for assistance. I'm having no luck locating either of these fonts. Any ideas? George
  16. I think Flexi is mad at me

    Aye, there's the rub!!:thumb:
  17. high school mascot

    StacyJ No big on the font thing. Everybody misses stuff, that's what makes us human. I'll wager one day you'll be the one to straighten me out on something. That's what this site is for: BACK SCRATCHING.:thumb:
  18. I think Flexi is mad at me

    I keep my undo's at 50 (default). I also downloaded a free "ram watcher" program. It helps but doesn't always catch when the program's about to say, "Don't do one more thing, or I'm gonna shut down." I too, have a gig of Ram and as long as I'm careful and saving pretty often (every 3-5 minutes...
  19. high school mascot

    Stacy's right, well, about the state anyway... It's a Tennessee font but not Memphis, it's Nashville. Perfect match. All they did was apply an inline to thin out the letter a little, add some angle and stretch it some. This is my 30 second rendition of the basic font and style. It also...
  20. Production Manager won't setup correctly

    Regulator, I don't think you're dealing with a BIOS issue. Ultimately, for whatever reason the software isn't seeing the driver/profile for your printer. I'm curious if we're looking in the wrong direction. Did you follow all the instructions for your printer software installation when you...