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Search results

  1. Flexi 8 (no key needed?)

    Wouldn't surprise me that an RF tag got embedded into your dongle secretly auto activating the mike on your cell to record your activities and alert the authorities that your suspicious use of signmaking software will ultimately have the profits funneled to terrorist organizations.....:beer
  2. Networking woes

    Maybe not helpful, but I've given up on self serve IT issues. I call, he comes, it works and i'm back to making signs which I do much better than a ipwanwepstaticswitch something or other. Wouldn't recommend any other way now.
  3. Attention all Suppliers or anyone who wants to sell a plotter!!!

    12k Summa ***(160T S Class with all the bells)*** 50k Most Flatbeds (check out Gerbers' answer to Zund) 100K+ router with digital head Call and ask sales or techs at Summa for file format needs and send them a file & a sample to cut. Don't be stingy with samples and give it to them straight...
  4. Cut multiple objects within one job

    You must do it on each shape individually if the goal is to have 200 unique shapes & sizes cut on the plotter. You can then assemble them all together in Illy or use the nesting feature of your rip software.
  5. Printing out Flexi Files

    Flexi is too scarce of a program for cataloging software to carry a import filter for it. I've got Portfolio for my usual clip art and Flexi will not work with it natively. I've toyed with the idea of a batch recording (automator on the mac os). We've solved the problem by moving to more...
  6. can someone please help me with contour cutting in flexi???

    I'll give it a go. First, you may have a more recent flexi than my 7.6 on the mac. You may also want to sign up on SI's site as they have a couple of good tutorials on this. 1. select image 2. select "make transparent" under the bitmap menu and select white space 3. select "invert...
  7. Signcut won't open .ai files

    Try and save to an old version (8. or below). There's a good chance your bridge cutter can't accept CS2 native yet. Or try converting fonts to outlines, you could have a rouge font.
  8. 3D Fonts

    use one of the popular photoshop plug-ins (alienskin for example) loaded in Photoshop plugin folder. Point flexi plugin prefs to the right folder. Then type out your text and use the filter available under the bitmap menu. A little more complex than that but with a try or two you'll get the...
  9. HP 9000s head cleaning

    On the Seiko there is a removeable black cart with a cloth type sponge to take overflow during the inititial setup of the printer. By HP's daily maintenance video, it looks like they removed it as it is now an open area between the wipers & platen. We use that depression to aid in getting our...
  10. HP 9000s head cleaning

    On the Seiko (just before the 9000), it is best done with removing the overflow container next to the wiper station. Thin fingers and a cloth rag soaked in cap cleaning fluid. It's a completly blind process and dangerous. But if you know your trying to get the excess buildup on the backside...
  11. Adobe Filters in Flexi Pro 8.1v1

    Yes, you are locating them correctly. And it would appear that version 8 is still no better at picking up and using the stock PS plugin filters. I think I'll continue our move to creative suite. Flexi still cuts the heck out of vinyl though...
  12. Adobe Filters in Flexi Pro 8.1v1

    Coming from the Mac side and 7.7v2. Never been able to have flexi pickup any other than specialty ones I loaded into photoshop. CS2 or 3.
  13. Is there a way in Windows XP Pro ...

    I use the F11 feature on the Mac OS quite a bit. Would be great on the XP boxes too. If it will help, here is an old discussion. http://discuss.fogcreek.com/joelonsoftware2/default.asp?cmd=show&ixPost=43806&ixReplies=21
  14. Dongle key Connection

    With dongle in and production manager running, you can have 2+ copies of flexi loaded on your network. But, it searches your network and only allows one at a time to operate. edited to add: Just read my post and didn't make sense, The Dongle affects 2 programs, Flexi the design program and...
  15. Auto serial numbering in Flexi

    Couple of good pdf tutorials on the Scamvec website. Quick signup and you'll see them on page one.
  16. freehand question?

    No they don't reset on their own. Except when you clear the prefs (manually) and or reload the program. If your still not there, you may have a bad node, fill, or complex artwork. Have you tried another file, or maybe export the things you need from Freehand back to flexi? Feel free to...
  17. freehand question?

    Review your preferences in Freehand. Most times, embed & convert are turned off when importing eps files. I just dusted FH10 off and tried it with an ai out of flexi 7.6. Worked like a champ.
  18. Problems with Flexi Key on new MAC

    I don't want to promote a single company but if you google "softkey" you'll find a few options that will convert your key to a software solution. It's considered a bit unethical in some circles but appears to be legal. (for legal orginating licensees)
  19. Problems with Flexi Key on new MAC

    You may want to try a soft key alternative. I doubt you will be able to find an older new G5 on the shelf as a replacement. And I'd be interested in how you fare as we'll need to upgrade our G5's at some point.
  20. I Really Need Opinions

    Welcome "Newbie Forum New to the business or thinking about jumping in? Got some basic questions? Read through here first." Welcome. I don't have any equipment suggestions as your budget falls well below what I feel you need to start out properly. But experience tells me people will...