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I've had this Mimaki JV33-130 for many years and last had a new print head installed by a technician in 2018. My print head definitely has issues. I've done several overnight soaks but it doesn't seem to improve.
Should I attempt to manually flush the head using the syringe method or just bite...
I've used plastic grommets for years. I think they're polyester actually. I get them from Image One Impact via my distributor. I have black, white and clear. These grommets are awesome and having the different color choices makes my banners stand out. Also, they don't rust in the salty Caribbean...
My business went from 95% in-house to 95% outsource over a period of 5 years.
If someone asks where their order is made (which is extremely rare), I just say its made at our "other" facility.
But, we don't even have a store front and our production space is the first floor of my house.
You can also set the head up for a head soak and once the head in firmly in the capping station, unplug the unit and let it sit for a few days.
I've unclogged stubborn heads this way in the past and some here told about this method.
Weirdly, in all my years making signs, I've never used ACM. I've been thinking about buying a few years to play with.
How do you cut this product down to size?
Agreed, this is happening all over and in every type of business. But, hasn't industry consolidation always been a thing?
Interestingly, I've been in discussions with a much larger print company that wants to buy me out.
I turned them down the first time, but, they've contact me again recently.
I buy vectors from Shutterstock when I absolutely have to, but, I check the free online sources first. Also, its amazing how often I go into a vector to pull out an element only.
I get a lot of value from the vectors I buy!
This was a great thread. I really thought I was the only one with this problem.
I have a big Porta Pottie customer and the GF product I was using just wasn't adhering.
I'm waiting for the delivery of my first Polar Grip order!!!!
I recently tested the DryTac Polar Grip with a Porta Pottie client. After several weeks, the client said it stayed on much better than the GF product I was using so I ordered a roll. Fingers crossed that it holds on to the plastic.
When I need a vector, I usually troll for free vectors first. If I can't find what I need, I'll use Shutterstock. I'm passing the cost on to the client through design fees anyway so its not like its coming out of my profit.
I also reuse vectors that I purchased in the past for other customers...
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