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Search results

  1. Odd question for time & material

    Don't you have the client "proof" the copy before you spend all that time working on the project? A simple proof sheet or proof email with the usual industry standard proof wording would easily transfer the liability for errors from you to them. As a commercial printer and sign shop, I wouldn't...
  2. pricing for installation of dimensional letters

    I charge $100 an hour for onsite installations. I invoice for how ever long it took. No has ever complained.
  3. Is my pricing too high for printed vinyl?

    I agree with Gino...let your competitors do the low/no margin work while you take the profitable business.
  4. Need Help Mimaki printer

    If it were me, I'd probably first try pumping ink through the system. From my experience, its takes a while to fill the baffles and get the ink down the lines to the head. Your manual should have a procedure for this.
  5. Suggestions Recommendations for all around virus/email/malware/ransomware etc. protection?

    I've never had anti-virus software on any of my computers over the past 20 years except the Microsoft Defender that comes natively with the OS. Once in a blue moon, I'll download and run Malwarebytes free version just to see if I've contracted anything but it most often comes up with a clean...
  6. One man shop growing pains

    We had much the same problem with installations. No labor available to do them. So, I just stopped doing installations. I tell customers upfront that they'll have to pick up the sign and put it up themselves. This hasn't really affected the business much as everyone has the same issues. Good luck!
  7. Mimaki SS21 Solvent Ink - 1 Day Ship to Tampa?

    Agreed...once its out of warranty, no problem. I've personally never had an issue with either Bordeaux or STS inks.
  8. Mimaki SS21 Solvent Ink - 1 Day Ship to Tampa?

    I always use STS Inks in Florida for my Mimaki. Great inks, fast service, fair prices.
  9. Design fees and payment upfront

    What an interesting post! I must be very old school! I charge a minimum $25 design fee and then $65 per hour or fraction thereof. There is no free graphic design in my shop. We're a commercial printer, sign shop and t-shirt printer. I've never once had a client squawk about paying for graphic...
  10. How many are running Networked Attached Storage (NAS) for your files?

    I run two QNAP NAS devices with a total of 16 TB of storage. These work great. I also back up nightly to an off site storage facility which costs only $9.99 a month for unlimited storage. Overall, I feel protected and that my data is safe.
  11. Mimaki jv33

    Are you using expired ink? I had a similar problem recently and it turned out that several of my STS ink carts were expired beyond the usable period.
  12. At A Crossroad, To Keep Going or Call It A Day?

    I enjoyed reading this post! My wife and I are Canadians living in the US Caribbean (both dual citizens) and have a well established commercial printing company and sign shop that we bought as a going concern 20 years ago. We're 60 and 63 and heading in the other direction from the OP! In the...
  13. Best anti virus program - latest and greatest?

    Personally, I have never used any anti-virus software except the Windows Security that comes pre-installed with the OS. I've owned my business for 18 years, have over a dozen work stations and have never once had a virus in all those years. Once in a blue moon, I'll install the free version of...
  14. Need more Fonts

    Over the past 17 years of being in the business, I've amassed well over 10,000 fonts. Sometimes when I'm bored, I use Google search terms to find them on unsecured servers and web pages. You can easily find thousands of name brand fonts that way. One day when I retire, I'll put my collection up...
  15. Vinyl Burnt by the Sun

    Thank you all for your interesting and informative replies! I did work with my distributor and the manufacturer and we move to a different adhesive vinyl and laminate. You guys are the best!
  16. Vinyl Sign Disclaimer for Invoices

    I'm primarily a commercial printer but make a lot of outdoor vinyl signs mounted on aluminum. We're located in the Virgin Islands which tends to be extremely hot and sunny all year round. The vinyl on these flat panel signs tends to burn over time if installed where direct sunlight hits them...
  17. Vinyl Burnt by the Sun

    Among other things, my print shop also makes flat panel signs mounted on aluminum sheets. I'm down here in the US Virgin Islands where its very hot all year round and the sun is intense. We've always had issues with the sun literally "burning" the printed vinyl and I'm wondering if there is any...
  18. jv33 bible.

    Successful Download of Mimaki Bible I was able to download the Mimaki tech information from the Google Docs site without any problems. These docs are a valuable resource and thx so much for sharing.