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Search results

  1. Can anyone re-create this whole image?

    The woman used in the art was taken from an iPhone avatar. My installer uses one constantly. See attached.
  2. Need Help Inconsistent Print Lengths

    I've always experienced that problem since printing long prints over 3' from back in 2003 with my first eco-solvent Roland! 8' banner would print 95.25". It's expected as per specs, so I'd compensate for it by making the print 97".
  3. Do you recognize this base font

    Monkey Buns Extra-expanded Italic https://creativemarket.com/128bittech/2921919-Comic-Fonts?u=whatfontis This, I could NOT find for free, unless I go deep into torrents and that's an IF.
  4. Do you recognize this base font

    Monkey Buns Extra-expanded Italic https://creativemarket.com/128bittech/2921919-Comic-Fonts?u=whatfontis This, I could NOT find for free, unless I go deep into torrents and that's an IF.
  5. font type needed

    StillShineSans-Regular https://fontbundles.net/joelmaker/88394-still-shine-script?ref=hhktxI Found a free website, but thought better to post it.
  6. what paint to use for adhesive vinyl

    Agreed. If going to an acrylic, do NOT use anything with low VOC. The low VOC paint has silicon in it and, in most cases, will not allow vinyl to stick. Test the paint on a small piece and apply vinyl after it's fully dry to see if it adheres. 3M makes a wall vinyl kit for things like this.
  7. Font Identification Please

    A&S Signwriter - stretched http://artandsignstudio.com/signwriter.html
  8. problem mutoh 1324

    Encoder strip and change profiles to see if any change.
  9. Valuecut 2 plotter jumping/offset cutting

    Cutting strip installed correctly, having done it a half a dozen times over the 4 years I've had it. The blade was checked and no play is showing. Holder is secured snug as well. Just for S's & G's, I changed the blade twice when this occurred, which isn't cheap. Nothing. It's intermittent, so I...
  10. Valuecut 2 plotter jumping/offset cutting

    The Valuecut 2 1800 I am using just had the strip replaced and a new blade put on. The cutter is hooked up via an ethernet connection and was perfectly fine, then started acting up, at first intermittingly with contour cuts, but then just cutting plain calendared vinyl started showing the same...
  11. Pallet pricing on cast material for trailer wraps, can anyone beat this?

    As I use up to 4 rolls of 3M IJ680CR 48"x50yd a month, I reached out to my rep for special pricing. There are still reps as mine left a few months ago and his area is being covered by two other people now.
  12. How do I print to a pdf or export from Production Manger with opus marks?

    If you put a CutContour line in your artwork and exported the art as a PDF, then it has the cutline in it. Change the color of the line when you create to Fuschia or Lime Green so you can see it if you open it in Adobe Illustrator. Make sure when you save in AI that you do as a High Quality...
  13. How do I print to a pdf or export from Production Manger with opus marks?

    SAi stopped fully supporting their software and rely on their forums to have users help each other. This has been going on for years. They don't even train people, but use third party businesses that are run by ex-employees for teaching end users how to use their software.
  14. Color Management Issue for Mutoch VJ 1324

    How long have you had this printer? Leave those settings as they are as it sounds like you have a printhead issue. Always check the physical prior to changing software settings. Also, have you ever taken any courses on using Flexi software?
  15. VJ 1324 Mutoch

    First, fold a tech cleaning cloth (so it's not much bigger than the printhead), soak it in cleaning fluid, and place it on capstan, and leaving the printhead on top of the cloth for a minimum 12 hours. This is called "soaking a printhead". Another way is to get 1 bag of cleaning fluid and do...
  16. Avery 1105 wrap vinyl on awning

    If you're putting it on something like panaflex, just make sure the surface is EXCEPTIONALLY clean. If it's a new face, you'll be fine, but again, make sure it's clean.
  17. Font won't enlarge past 760mm in corel draw 2023

    Why not just covert the text to vector to bypass this and look for fix or log a complaint on the Corel forums where the developers get their tweaking ideas from?
  18. 3m 40c what lam

    Depends on what you are using the 40c for. Did you try Grimco for the 8050?
  19. Thomas Built Buses outline template

    The prison bus mentioned in dmcgary's post is the closest. You'll have to measure the mid-door and windows, then draw them from scratch. Better than starting with nothing.
  20. Need Help Abrasion, or is this vinyl failing? (3M 180/8519 on a boat)

    The font is too thin, as others have said, but also placement is wrong. I wouldn't give a discount, but I'd thicken up the font, show him the new layout and place it where it's least to get hit. Make sure it's outta the water for 4 days once installed. Let the glue cure first.