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Search results

  1. FONT ID

    You'll find a Letterheads font close, like Old Stock, but that is custom painted. Probably a Pierce, thus meaning it's their proprietary fonts.
  2. Opinion Overkill for this 4x8 sign?

    He said, "savory". :p
  3. Need Help Help me please me friends

    Draw the air out of the lines [syringe] and replace the dampers.
  4. Orange Ya Gonna Tell Me Da Font?

    It's all cool. I redrew it all from scratch from the bad pics I had and was 95% close. I knew it was an LHF font, but didn't have the time to delve into their library. Funny thing too, the entire time I was recreating the lettering, I was listening to Johnny Cash, which so happens to be their...
  5. Ghost Reflective - Dark Gray Truck

    What type of printer are you using? Material-wise, I use IJ680CR with 8518 laminate. The Oracal is too dark for Engineer Grade, and Arlon requires I bake the s.o.b. for it to stick to a vehicle. Printing: for the Mutoh printers, I modified a 3M Prem G profile to make it work for me and I...
  6. Ghost Reflective - Dark Gray Truck

    I use an HP 560 Latex at work and VJ1324, VJ1324X, and a VJ1617H at home. NONE of these reduce reflectivity even when printing doubles strike.
  7. Need Help Flexi/Onyx compatibility (.svg/xml)

    You also need to state what your cutter is. If it is a Summa, the GoSign cuts PDFs. If it's a Graphtec or Mutoh, etc, then why not just cut it through Flexi...? You could also bring it into Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape and convert it into an SVG.
  8. Ghost Reflective - Dark Gray Truck

    This is my daily thing as I do police and ambulatory vehicles as part of my 9-5 gig. Depending on the gray (Ford changed their colors again this year), run a CMYK black and do a color swatch strip showing 5% - 100% opacities. Printing grays on reflective is fine. Latex or solvent, it's still...
  9. What Vinyl to use, help pls

    I usually print mirror-imaged on clear vinyl (Oracal 3640, for instance) and laminate it in white Oracal 3640. It's calendared and as it's in a window, with the sunny blasting on it daily, you'll get 3-4 MAX whatever you put up there.
  10. Orange Ya Gonna Tell Me Da Font?

    I'm stumped on a font. The "R" is the trick apparently. Tries whatfontis.com, whatthefont.com, matcherator.com, etc, etc...MAYBE someone has seen this? And it figures, it's a rush job for me. yippee. Thanks in advance as it is greatly appreciated.
  11. Lookin' for a font

    Thank you! That's weird. I used www.whatfontis.com and it did not show me that font as an option. Glad it did for you.
  12. Lookin' for a font

    I did a search (i.e. whatthefont, matcherator, etc.) and could find it. I have to samples of it off of race cars after simplifying it in Photoshop. Anyone seen something looking real close it this? TYIA
  13. Font Identity

    Highly likely that the font was proprietary. Welch Fire Equipment Corporation went out of business fairly recently and that font most likely went with the company. Have you looked to see if Letterheads has something close?
  14. I'm sure it's been covered - grey reflective?

    I have the same issue with a gray / silver for one of the nearby county sheriff departments. I usually print out about 50 2"x4" swatches in two profiles, which look dramatically different to one another, and let them choose. Nothing is ever going to be a 100% match as I am not using my...
  15. Need help cleaning printheads on HP 750 after using isopropyl

    I don't know how old the heads are, but your best bet is to just replace them all. All I've ever used is distilled water.
  16. Bar Code Software

    FlexiSign DOES have a Barcode39 generator and I've been using it the past week HEAVILY as I am dealing with a client who is logging their inventory into a new system. I've been using the Auto Serializing menu under "Arrange" to produce consecutive numbering for their crates and multi-sized bins...
  17. Font of The year

    The font, NOT you, is a red-headed stepchild...lol. I'm just tired of all its incarnations and over usage in the emergency field.
  18. Font of The year

    I have a Sheriff's Department that does similar things. Before I even lay it out, I already know that it will either be to small, or condense it until it's unreadable. I show options on the proof, show notes of sizes, etc. and have the Sheriff sign the proof with the option picked out. It's a...
  19. 1324x issues strike yet again

    I have BOTH a VJ1324 and VJ1324x, besides a VJ1617H, and have never come across this problem. I zeroed out the Life Times pump this Fall and at the same instant, it appeared to have screwed up the media sensor calibrations. Without having Chris and Eric from GRS to get in touch with regarding...
  20. Newbie Graphics Question

    You could also use image sites like Dreamstime, Shutterstock, Depositphotos, etc. for some of the graphics. What you can't find, you may have to redraw or have a tracing service like Fiverr do for you if you don't have the time to do it yourself. On simple banner like the one you attached, if it...