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Search results

  1. Eco Solvent Printer Service in NJ

    Graphic Resource Systems also handle the area. I've used them over the past 15 years.
  2. Question Printing in Onyx and getting wrong colors

    Yeah, that was it. I'm not an ONYX guru, just an end-user. I can set up files for this w/o a problem, but whomever set up that profile should be shot (probably the original employee that started the department). Been cleaning up a lot of his f-ups the past 2 years. Thanks for the insight and it...
  3. Question Printing in Onyx and getting wrong colors

    The file that I am exporting from Flexi is a PDF. I've even checked the file(s) in Adobe Illustrator with no difference in exporting. Again, it's only when I tell Onyx it's a straight ContourCut file, is when the color change occurs.
  4. Question Printing in Onyx and getting wrong colors

    Still having the same problem. Once I tell ONYX that I am contour cutting, the colors change. Attached are the files I used; one with and one without a contour cut line. The same color(s) but the two at the top I selected ContourCut under the QuickSet. and the bottom two are as <Default>. It...
  5. Arlon wrap material will not print properly with Arlon profile

    I agree with GASouthPaw, the profile isnt right, even if it was created by Mutoh. I usually find a profile that works correctly and gives me the best output on the material I am printing on, and it usually ISN'T the profile that Flexi came up with. On my VJ-1617H, I usually use Arlon profiles as...
  6. Mutoh VJ 1324

    One of my 1324s does the same thing, until I could get the new printhead, I lowered the opacity of my artwork to 75% then double-strike the print, so it'd look like it was at 100%. Worked fine, even for my blacks.
  7. Font I can't find because of bad quality print out

    Can also be it's ancestor... Rockwell.
  8. does anyone clear the edges of sign gold?

    I usually weed the gold, if printing on it, or apply it to the background vinyl first, then laminate the entire piece and cut the laminate by hand and giving it a 3/16" ridge away from the vinyl so it looks like it was cleared. Takes little time and this way you should wet apply as the overlap...
  9. Custom Reflective Engine Turn Lettering...again.

    Problem is with most engine turn vinyl, the turns are layered by row. What Alan did and what I am attempting to replicate from what he and Pierce did is an engine turn spaced out and following the letter as if it was actually applied directly as gold leaf on the truck.
  10. Custom Reflective Engine Turn Lettering...again.

    It looks like 3 years ago ATHENNES (Alan) was able to come up with a way to come up with a way to mimic gold leaf engine turn (Reflective Gold Leaf.png). I'm trying to do the same, and I reached out to him, but it appears he is no longer on the forum, and/or perhaps, on this planet. His FB page...
  11. Please Help convert flexi file

    You would have to post the file so myself, or someone else, can convert it for you. It isn't a problem.
  12. The amount of memory required to use the RIP could not be secured.

    Have you, or the designer, bring the files into Photoshop at 10% size at 720dpi. Bring them into Versaworks and resize the files to full size. Try ripping the file and see if it creates a file to large to send to the printer. As for your old files, unless you are repeatedly printing them, log...
  13. I was hired to wrap a vehicle and now they are mad at me... my blood pressure is through the roof!

    You won't believe how many clients actually do that. If something looks off, I ask, "did you look at it and zoomed in on an actual computer?" More times than not, the answer is "no".
  14. How much would you charge to fit an aluminium sign

    This cannot be asked with more detail (i.e. is the sign flat aluminum, what gauge aluminum, 0.40, 0.63, etc., what is the structure made of, and/or is it being placed on the wall or roof?) and what are using as fasteners?
  15. I was hired to wrap a vehicle and now they are mad at me... my blood pressure is through the roof!

    If the client sends artwork not already on a template, I'll create a template of the vehicle, usually in Flexi because I am faster doing it there, and then place the template in Illustrator or Photoshop, depending on how the art files are created. This way I will see where things drop on the...
  16. PDF Not Importing to Flexi Correctly

    Try a saving it at 19.7"x4.5" @ 720dpi. Bring it directly into photoshop and stretch it to 197"x45" @ 72dpi and it should print clear.
  17. Not sure what to try next...........................................

    I've had this happen years ago, printing on Avery clear with an Epson S80600. I was printing large pieces in reverse, laminated on white, and used for the Harmon Kardon storefront on 51st & Madison Ave in NYC, paneled for multiple 10'H x 18'W window. After printing the first 10 feet with a 12...
  18. Adobe / Pantone?

    People, in general, aren't happy with the divorce of Pantone from Adobe. I use Flexi to get my colors and even old files print fine and see the Pantone colors in these old files. I print on 2 different types of Mutoh printers and an HP 570 Latex. As for Notarealsignguys's remark that Corel must...
  19. font help please

    It's custom. You can modify Collier, Cartesius Regular, or Zapf Humanist. See the attachments for help.
  20. PDF Not Importing to Flexi Correctly

    At 100% size, the image can be saved at 72dpi and come out just fine in print. I've been doing that for over a decade, also having had worked for a signage wholesaler years ago. Bring the pic directly into Production Manager, not FlexiSign and see what it does. If the PDF changes color, text...