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Search results

  1. I hate finidng script fonts lol

    https://fonts.google.com/specimen/WindSong?preview.text=services&preview.text_type=custom Windsong
  2. Fellers ordering anxiety

    Since Frank lost the company to his wife, then she just had someone else run it until she could sell it off, Fellers really fell off track with how they conduct business. Their Piscataway warehouse was the worse as Id constantly get things days after I'd ordered or the wrong substrate. The only...
  3. Issue With Flexi 8 not being able to Load on windows 10

    Not true. Flexi 11 will run on Win 10. Also, I had ran Flexi 8.6 v2, which installed fine but was "cracked" some 10 years ago. Ran fine and printed/cut without an issue. Bought ver 10.0.1 and haven't pirated since.
  4. Reflective Cut-out Decals/Sticker

    Just be careful as most EMS, First Aid, Ambulatory, and Police ask and prefer 3M or something closer to 3Ms brightness. Oracal 5650RA works great, but I only use it for non-emergency clientele. You can also print on straight 3M 680CR as long as you laminate it. It cuts just fine as I use an...
  5. Need Help FC9000 or GR2 in Flexi 10

    It's true. I have a perpetual license for Designer and Print and Cut. I'm not into the whole subscription thing myself either.
  6. Question HOW DO I CHANGE MY INKS?

    You change the card at the same time? Perhaps you mixed cards by accident. Also make sure the card is sitting forward in the adaptor towards the front of the printer. I've had cards that shifted in the adaptor that gave false readings because of this.
  7. Print N’ Stick not sticking

    The Sherman Williams paint you listed is a VOC paint. I had the same issue in the past, at Rutgers University in Newark some years back with one wall that was painted. The rest I skim coated with mud as the wall was tiled (just sanded, tack clothed, and applied). It went on great and stuck for a...
  8. Print N’ Stick not sticking

    Did you do a test prior to installing for the walls? Are they painted with VOC paint? If so, it WILL come up again as anything with VOC paint has silicone in it. Do a test with vinyl on the wall and use a fish weight scale to see how much pull (in lbs) it takes to cause the vinyl to fail and...
  9. Help with printing on Sihl 3683 with HP 560

    Perhaps between where the print comes out and the take up reel, run a fan or two on a moderate setting to help drying.
  10. BN-20 Print

    Probably not. The encoder strip is the clear piece of plastic that you see towards the inside back of the unit when you lift the door up. It runs the entire width of the printing area. This gets dirty from overspray after a while and needs to be cleaned. Do NOT use cleaning solution or get...
  11. Accidentally wrapped truck in 3M 40C, would that hold?

    I've used 40C on a number of wraps, on ambulances, trailers, pickups, and SUVs. They hold up just fine, especially if you are using the proper laminate. If you hold it for a few days, and it appears to not show and failure whatsoever, let it go.
  12. Bubbles appearing in last half of Orajet 3164m

    Had this problem when 3M IJ35 first came out about 10 years ago. Was heating problem with the printer that would cause the vinyl to tunnel, as what you are seeing in yours, and then printer head strikes. It was Jan/Feb, the room was cold for the most part yet dry, due to it being winter. I had...
  13. Particular Graphic Eats Vinyl While Cutting

    Another question that may or may not have to do with your problem, but needs to be asked: What program(s) are you using to open/create the vector, and what RIP are you using to cut said graphic?
  14. BN-20 Print

    It actually looks like the usual "encoder strip is dirty" again. Although it looks like you may have to do a manual cleaning to the printhead, which is probably due to it sitting and if the magenta cartridge was empty, then NO cleanings in those two weeks were done. The printer requires ink in...
  15. Window Perf Rolling Itself Off

    If I don't trim the perf back at least 1/8" and use optically clear strips on the perimeter, I found that the material would lift after a few weeks, and if on tinted vinyl, fail in only a few days due to the heat from the darker tint that's reflecting. In most cases, I'll suggest NOT to use...
  16. Anyone know a wholesale supplier for these pole arm doodads?

    https://metalcraftindustries.net/sign-bracket-kit-deluxe-scroll-bracket-includes-square-post-hardware/ https://www.signbracketstore.com/sign-post-bracket.html
  17. Font Help

  18. Is this a sign of my printhead(s) dying and needing to be replaced

    I agree, clean the encoder strip, change out the dampers, clean the maintenence station area of any crud build up, and even go over the head meticulously. Only then would I consider a new printhead. I used to get this on my 1617H with the old inks and would be able to save the printhead most of...
  19. Font Help is Appreciated as Always

    And for free: https://fontzone.net/download/sweetheartscript-limited
  20. Question mutoh vj1617h ink end MP31 ink

    I would personally NOT use Beacon's house ink in a 1617H. Only use the Mutoh inks because of the damage they can do to the printhead. I found that I had to make sure the ink card was moved forward and had taped it so it stayed in place otherwise it would shake and shimmy out of place and the...