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Search results

  1. Design off 5... The Entries

    #1 i'ts Online not On Line
  2. Can anyone help me with this font

    Pretty close to it thanks!
  3. Can anyone help me with this font

    Thanks in advance. :thumb:
  4. cnc needed in so cal.

    Anyone have a machine out here that I can send my work to and get it back on time. I will provide all the materials, layouts, also willing to teach tips and tricks while running 3 multicam cnc's using enroute for 6 years. Anyone using a Multicsm out here?
  5. Art path .PLT to Enroute?

    Design your spoilboard(sacrificial mat) in a program that you specialize in. Import the vector into enroute and save the template. If you are having problems importing you can always turn it into a .jpeg then bring it in to enroute and autotrace it.
  6. Dodge Sprinter 2500 box van

    Anyone know where I can purchase the vector?
  7. Exporting from X3

  8. Questions on vinyl work

  9. Questions on vinyl work

    $100 dollar minum when you turn on your plotter.
  10. font help

    please help>>>
  11. Font help please...

    thank you sir!
  12. Font help please...

    I'm terrible with fonts any help would be appreciated.
  13. Faction


    customer gave me a $400 budget and is unhappy with the job? any suggestions. All 3m Black high performance vinyl. Also not shown is the logo on back, and phone number on back and both sides.
  14. faction 1

    faction 1

    faction surfboards.
  15. faction 1

    faction 1

    gold mirror on plex.
  16. Posting Your Work

    My apologies. Thank you for the tip.
  17. Font help please

    thank u sir.
  18. plumeria flower vectors

    Thank you iSign, that's exactly the images i need.
  19. Font help please

    :U Rock:
  20. plumeria flower vectors

    i'm looking to buy a few vector plumerias. I looked at allied already.